In the short time I've been the so far, I've talked a lot about how can help prevent from being delivered to their targets, in light of a wave of Mastodon-themed phishing. That made me wonder, "How many Mastodon instances have a DMARC record on their domain? How many of those are set up to properly?" For their own security Users should join servers with an enforced DMARC policy, and instance admins should enforce DMARC on their domains to protect users and attract a security conscious userbase.

I wrote a script that queries for the 1000 top Mastodon instances based on the number of active users, feeds that list to to query for, parse, and validate DMARC records. Here are the results.

As of earlier today, 148 instances with a combined 295, 975 active users had an enforced DMARC policy (p=quarantine or p=reject). 113 instances with a combined 168,965 active users have deployed a monitor only policy, 3 instances with a combined 577 active users have an invalid DMARC record, and 113 instances with a combined 486,972 active users don't have any DMARC record.

As I looked through the list of instances, I noticed that is now the 7th largest Mastodon instance on the public internet, with 18,328 active users (and counting. Thanks @jerry!

#mastodon #fediverse #dmarc #Spoofed #emails #checkdmarc #dns #infosec #informationsecuriy #phish #phishing #spoofing #adminsofmastodon #opensource #opensourcesoftware #floss #python #cli #api

Last updated 2 years ago

Version 4.5.1 of my and record parser/validation tool, has been released with some small bug fixes:

  • Ignore case and whitespace when parsing DMARC and BIMI key=value pairs (Closes #75)
  • Handle missing PTR records more gracefully (Closes #64)
  • reindent DMARC fo tag values now result in a warning instead of a syntax error (Closes #71)

#spf #dmarc #checkdmarc #python #opensource #git #github #cli #api #email #spoofing #phishing #cybersecurity #informationsecurity #infosec

Last updated 2 years ago

chksome · @chksome
24 followers · 96 posts · Server

@seanthegeek Never knew about . Awesome, thanks!


Last updated 2 years ago

New versions of my tools have just been released.

4.5.0 is a CLI and module for validating SPF, DMARC, and BIMI records. It can also test SMTP TLS.

parses DMARC forensic and aggregate reports and ships the results to Elasticsearch or Splunk, with premade dashboards for Kibana, Graphana, and Splunk.

#dmarc #checkdmarc #python #parsedmarc

Last updated 2 years ago