Photo Challenge 215/365
This was a cozy little spot to enjoy a game of checkers and coffee. Some slider work to bring the highlights in the back down. Trying to shoot different things. #checker #comfy #summertime #2023photochallenge
#checker #comfy #summertime #2023photochallenge
@mre Also, don't forget to check out **lychee! **🚀
🦀 Fast, async, stream-based link checker written in #rustlang
⭐ GitHub:
Aesthetic Set Volume 1 - Swatch 13
Printed on Organic Half Panama Cotton
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #purpleaesthetics #yellowaesthetics #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #checker #checkerboard #checkers #mastoart
#textiledesign #graphicdesign #patternlife #patterndesign #textiles #designermakers #purpleaesthetics #yellowaesthetics #fabricart #repeatingpatterns #swatch #color #abstractpattern #surfacepatterndesign #swatches #fabricdesign #printedtextiles #checker #checkerboard #checkers #MastoArt
#MuddyWaters #HowlinWolf #BoDiddley #LittleWalter #BuddyGuy #OtisSpann #HubertSumlin #FrankKirkland #SonnyWimberley #CookieVee #WillieDixon – The Super Super Blues Band, a 1992 cd reissue on #Charly R&B of a mad "live" blues happening originally released by #Checker (#Chess) in 1967.
#chess #checker #charly #williedixon #cookievee #sonnywimberley #frankkirkland #hubertsumlin #otisspann #buddyguy #littlewalter #bodiddley #HowlinWolf #MuddyWaters #kringloopgeluk
#MuddyWaters #HowlinWolf #BoDiddley #LittleWalter #BuddyGuy #OtisSpann #HubertSumlin #FrankKirkland #SonnyWimberley #CookieVee #WillieDixon – The Super Super Blues Band, a 1992 cd reissue on #Charly R&B of a mad "live" blues happening originally released by #Checker (#Chess) in 1967.
#chess #checker #charly #williedixon #cookievee #sonnywimberley #frankkirkland #hubertsumlin #otisspann #buddyguy #littlewalter #bodiddley #HowlinWolf #MuddyWaters #kringloopgeluk
#Development #Tests
Comparing manual and free automated WCAG reviews
“Automated accessibility checkers lack the context of a page and user.” — Adrian Roselli
#WebDevelopment #WebDev #Accessibility #A11y #WCAG #Comparison #Free #Tool #Checker #Automation #Manual
#development #tests #webdevelopment #webdev #accessibility #a11y #wcag #comparison #free #tool #checker #automation #manual
Feels great to improve my 3D tools! My advanced checker board texture is looking way better now with more contrast, better font and size. Less clutter, and it feels easier to use now on 3D models!
You can check it out and download file from here:
#freebie #blender #b3d #checker #checkerboard #uvmapping #uv #mapping #tools #3dmodeling #3d #texturing #gameart @blender @itchio
#gameart #texturing #3d #3dmodeling #tools #mapping #uv #UVmapping #checkerboard #checker #b3d #blender #freebie
Vielleicht lasse ich sie mal so produzieren.
⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛⬜⬛ 🤘🏻😎🏁
#Frankfurt #SGE #SGEuropa #Checker #Ffm #frankfurtammain #forzasge #sge4ever #EuropasBesteMannschaft #eintrachtfrankfurt #Eintracht #europapokalsieger2022 #europapokalsieger #EuropaCupSieger #ChampionsLeague #UCL23 #frankfurtgermany #FrankfurtAmMain #Frankfurter #NothingElseMatters #BlackAndWhite #BlackWhite #BlacknWhite
#blacknwhite #blackwhite #BlackAndWhite #nothingelsematters #Frankfurter #frankfurtgermany #ucl23 #ChampionsLeague #europacupsieger #Europapokalsieger #europapokalsieger2022 #eintracht #EintrachtFrankfurt #EuropasBesteMannschaft #sge4ever #forzasge #FrankfurtamMain #Ffm #checker #SGEuropa #SGE #frankfurt
#Google_Fonts #Checker
"Der Google-Fonts-Checker prüft schnell und einfach, ob beim Besuch deiner Website Schriftarten von Google nachgeladen werden."
Free online #plagiarism #checker for teachers and students.
Da fielen mir wieder die #baertierchen aus dem #checker #tobi Film ein, die theoretisch auch im All überleben können. Seitdem lässt mich der Gedanke nicht mehr los, das dort was von der Erde rumschwimmen könnte. Aber vielleicht hab ich auch zu viel #theexpanse gelesen ;-)
#baertierchen #checker #tobi #theexpanse
#ListeningTo Bo Diddley – No More Lovin' #Whoa! #Checker #RockAndRoll #RhythmAndBlues #USofA #1960
#listeningto #whoa #checker #rockandroll #rhythmandblues #usofa
#OTD in 1982, The last of the #Checker #taxicabs, celebrated in Harry #Chapin’s 1972 hit, “#Taxi”, rolled off the assembly line in #Kalamazoo, Michigan. The company had produced the cabs since 1922. Chapin died in a traffic accident almost one year earlier.
#otd #checker #taxicabs #chapin #taxi #kalamazoo