“We’re not imperial”: Elena Kagan contradicts Alito, says “of course Congress can regulate” SCOTUS — “It just can’t be that the court is the only institution that somehow is not subject to checks and balances”
#SCOTUSRegulation #ChecksAndBalances #ElenaKagan #AlitoContradiction #ImperialCourt #CongressPower #Politics #News
#scotusregulation #checksandbalances #elenakagan #alitocontradiction #imperialcourt #congresspower #politics #news
‘Wrong and Frightening’: Alito Claims Congress Can’t Regulate SCOTUS — “What a surprise, guy who is supposed to enforce checks and balances thinks checks shouldn’t apply to him,” said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
#AlitoCongressRegulate #ChecksAndBalances #SupremeCourt #WrongAndFrightening #AlexandriaOcasioCortez #CommonDreams #Politics #News
#alitocongressregulate #checksandbalances #supremecourt #wrongandfrightening #alexandriaocasiocortez #commondreams #politics #news
The Supreme Court Must Be Stopped
#SupremeCourtMustBeStopped #JudicialSystem #JusticeSystem #ChecksAndBalances #ConstitutionalCrisis #DemocracyUnderThreat #Politics #News
#supremecourtmustbestopped #judicialsystem #justicesystem #checksandbalances #constitutionalcrisis #democracyunderthreat #politics #news
@BlueDouche he filters the header or something? Bizarre. The level of confusion he's demonstrating is epic. Total lack of any self awareness. Literally, and I'm using that word in the literal sense, he is supposed to provide the #checksandbalances to the administrative state. The irony is thick enough to cut with a knife.
#GOP: How dare you accuse us of #authoratian policies?!
Rest of the Country: Because you keep trying to remove #ChecksAndBalances on the #ExecutiveBranch?
GOP: Bosh! Fearmongering! Vile calumny! We worship small government and freedom!
#HeritageFoundation: Oh, hey, GOP, here are our promised recommendations on how to get rid of checks and balances on the Executive Branch when you take the White House again.
GOP: ...
GOP: Cool.
#heritagefoundation #executivebranch #checksandbalances #authoratian #gop
Hey Law & Society, saw that video:
and listened to this episode of the @lawfare podcast:
on how to regulate #LLM like #ChatGPT etc.
To me, the idea of #TrustedFlaggers seems really interesting as it includes #watchdogs and #CivilSociety into the #Commission |s formal system of #ChecksAndBalances
Is this as extraordinary as it seems to me?
@law @sociology @SandraWachter #lawandsociety #dsa #sociology
#llm #chatgpt #trustedflaggers #watchdogs #civilsociety #commission #checksandbalances #lawandsociety #dsa #sociology
Arbeite immer noch die #republica23 ab. In diesem Video diskutieren @spielkamp | @SandraWachter und @philipphacker über Regulierungsideen zu #chatgpt etc.
Die Figur der #TrustedFlaggers schien mir auch soziologisch besonders interessant. Hier wird #CivilSociety , hier werden #AufsehendeGewalten oder #watchdogs in die staatlichen #ChecksAndBalances integriert.
Ist das - den Entwurfsstatus außen vor - so spektakulär, wie es mir scheint?
#republica23 #chatgpt #trustedflaggers #civilsociety #aufsehendegewalten #watchdogs #checksandbalances #soziologie #lawandsociety
Norfolk’s buses stopped running after $1 million went missing. The main suspect is still on the run.
North Fork Area Transit’s swift end left 60 employees without a job. And it left hundreds of residents without reliable transportation.
#Law #LawFedi #Nebraska #MadisonCounty #Norfolk #Fraud #Crime #Oversight #ChecksAndBalances #PublicTransportation #Disability #Bus #Theft
#theft #bus #disability #publictransportation #checksandbalances #oversight #crime #fraud #norfolk #madisoncounty #Nebraska #lawfedi #law
Trump Judge Effectively Names Himself President | Terry A. Doughty says he gets to decide who the FBI, DHS, HHS, and the Justice Department can talk to.
#TrumpJudge #PresidentialPower #ExecutiveBranch #GovernmentOversight #JudicialAuthority #ChecksAndBalances #Politics #News
#trumpjudge #presidentialpower #executivebranch #governmentoversight #judicialauthority #checksandbalances #politics #news
So glad to know there's still a somewhat sane portion of #SCOTUS that cares something for democratic principles and #ChecksAndBalances
The ruling on the "independent legislature" principle isn't an unmixed blessing. But it does establish that state supreme courts (and federal courts) can rein in the worst of #StateLegislature attempts to create a one-party, one-race state electorate.
#statelegislature #checksandbalances #SCOTUS
Trump escalates attacks on judges amid increasing legal scrutiny
#TheHillNews #TrumpJudgesAttacks #LegalScrutiny #USJudicialSystem #ChecksAndBalances #PresidentialPower #Politics #News
#thehillnews #trumpjudgesattacks #legalscrutiny #usjudicialsystem #checksandbalances #presidentialpower #politics #news
#TED Talks Daily (video): Your right to mental privacy in the age of brain-sensing tech | Nita Farahany
Episode webpage: https://www.ted.com/talks/nita_farahany_your_right_to_mental_privacy_in_the_age_of_brain_sensing_tech?rss=172BB350-0205
Media file: https://download.ted.com/products/166710.mp4?apikey=172BB350-0205
#depression #mentalhealth #civilrights #ACLU #constitution #consciousness #cognition #ptsd #tech #neurotech #machinelearning #algorithm #checksandbalances #privacy #security #stem #science
#ted #depression #mentalhealth #civilrights #aclu #constitution #consciousness #cognition #ptsd #tech #neurotech #machinelearning #algorithm #checksandbalances #privacy #security #stem #science
Americans aren't thrilled with the government. The Supreme Court is just one example
#NPR #SupremeCourt #Government #PublicOpinion #Politics #Judiciary #Disapproval #ChecksAndBalances
#npr #supremecourt #government #publicopinion #politics #judiciary #disapproval #checksandbalances
Americans aren't thrilled with the government. The Supreme Court is just one example
#npr #usgovernment #supremecourt #publicopinion #politicaldissatisfaction #judicialbranch #checksandbalances #democracyinaction
#SenateJudiciary Cmte Held Hearing 3/2/23 On #EthicsCode For #SupremeCourt Amidst #ClarenceThomas #scandal #SCOTUS #EthicsReforms #ethics #testimony #checksandbalances #corruption #recusal #statusquo #HarlanCrow #publicservice #judicialpower #federaljudiciary Enforce the #CodeofConduct #crisis #public #confidence #JudicialActivism #PartisanJudiciary #OathofOffice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ4kKO73q1w
#senatejudiciary #ethicscode #supremecourt #clarencethomas #scandal #SCOTUS #ethicsreforms #ethics #testimony #checksandbalances #Corruption #recusal #statusquo #harlancrow #publicservice #judicialpower #federaljudiciary #codeofconduct #crisis #public #confidence #judicialactivism #partisanjudiciary #oathofoffice
“You can't actually have checks and balances if one branch is so powerful that the other branches cannot, in fact, engage in their constitutionally mandated role to provide a check on inappropriate or illegal behavior,” Caroline Fredrickson, a distinguished visitor from practice at Georgetown Law, said in a phone interview. “Then we have a defective system.”
#scotus #checksandbalances #constitution
RT @todayth
อดีตพนักงานธ.ก.ส. พบพิรุธตัวเลขคดีจำนำข้าวช่วงรัฐประหารปี 57 หลังจากเธอนำเอกสารมาเปิดโปงตามกระบวนการ เธอกลับถูกกล่าวหาว่าป่วยจิตเวช
#checksandbalances #สํานักขาวทูเดย #maketomorrowtoday
@pivoinebleue Netanyahu's & Trump's (then-"presidential") goals are essentially the same: To abuse governmental power to evade justice, prosecution & indictment for being the crooks they are, utterly disregarding right & wrong.
To achieve this, they're even willing to sacrifice/corrupt the #SeparationOfPowers & the system of #ChecksAndBalances.
Both (& their respective stooges) are criminal embodiments of a deeply insane & unhealthy understanding of functioning democratic states, both are most unfit to hold public offices.
#RuleOfLaw #DefendDemocracy #DefensiveDemocracy #Democracy #CareerCriminals #CareerFraudsters #Corruption #Overthrow #Insurrection
#separationofpowers #checksandbalances #ruleoflaw #defenddemocracy #defensivedemocracy #democracy #careercriminals #careerfraudsters #corruption #overthrow #insurrection
@AetherEgo #checksandbalances #gewaltenteilung #demokratie vs. #einparteiensystem #kommunismus#gewaltherrschaft #diktatur #genozid auf der chineschischen Seite.
#genozid #diktatur #kommunismus #einparteiensystem #demokratie #gewaltenteilung #checksandbalances