When the chips are down
Goldfish Cracker has your back
Pepperidge Farm style.
#Haiku #OneHaikuADay #WritersCollective #writingcommunity #FishyCracker #Fish #Cracker #Goldfish #Cheddar #Cheese #Snack #PepperidgeFarm #Summer
August 29, 2023
#goldfish #Summer #pepperidgefarm #snack #cheese #cheddar #Cracker #fish #fishycracker #writingcommunity #writerscollective #onehaikuaday #Haiku
Finally had time to sit down and type this out. Another #Soup #recipe but this false fall has been making me nostalgic for delicious soups and hot ciders.
#BroccoliCheddarSoup #Broccoli #Cheddar #Cheese #Soup #Onion #Carrot #Vegetarian
#soup #recipe #broccolicheddarsoup #broccoli #cheddar #cheese #onion #carrot #vegetarian #foodtoot #food
Also went to Safeway scouting cheeses the other day and nothing looked super interesting, though I probably should have tried the Sierra Nevada (no relation to the beer) Organic Raw Milk White Cheddar just to see what it had to offer. Next time.
Latest tests come from Whole Foods and both are store-exclusives. Neal's Yard Dairy "Keen's Cheddar" and Deer Creek's 36mo Cheddar.
Neal's from the UK has a near-parmy taste with a decent melt, but isn't anything special. Hint of dust mold.
Deer Creek from Wisconsin is closer to just a regular store-brand cheddar.
Both are fine with crackers, but nothing here stands out as worth trying again.
The woman after me at the cafeteria saw my sammie and said "I want that!"
#everything #bagel #sausage #egg #white #cheddar #tomato #onion #pepper #jalapeno #she #got a #croissant & #whole #eggs #yum #breakfast #WTC #7WTC #NYC #NewYorkCity #WorldTradeCenter #glass #tower #near #top
#everything #bagel #sausage #egg #white #cheddar #tomato #onion #pepper #jalapeno #she #got #croissant #whole #eggs #yum #breakfast #wtc #nyc #worldtradecenter #glass #tower #near #top #7wtc #newyorkcity
And that, dear children, is where cheese comes from :)
#jollybiscuit #cheese alien #aliens #ufo #uap #spaceship #flyingsaucer #abduction #experiment #cheddar #swiss #switzerland #swedes #eating #humor #funny #comic #comics #webcomic #webcomics #comicstrip
#jollybiscuit #cheese #aliens #ufo #uap #spaceship #flyingsaucer #abduction #experiment #cheddar #swiss #switzerland #swedes #eating #humor #funny #comic #comics #webcomic #webcomics #comicstrip
Cleaned out refrigerator #leftovers for #breakfast #today. Two #eggs over medium, chips (#potatoes) from dinner two nights ago, last remnant of #guacamole and #salsa from takeout, plus some #cheddar #cheese. 🙆♂️
#santafe #newmexico #cheese #cheddar #salsa #guacamole #potatoes #eggs #today #breakfast #leftovers
Rouge Creamery Hopyard Cheddar.
WOAH, this is a weird one. So it kinda tastes like bread-cheese?
They basically took hops and mixed them in milk and made a sorta soft-cheddar. I had a few bites and I don’t think it is really for me, but if you’re a hoppy IPA beer-head you might like it?
Don’t eat it with another cheese, it really is overpowering.
#cheddar #cheesemonger #hops #ipa
Lecker war sie, die Spargelquiche!
Da sind dann auch drei Eiweße drin verschwunden, die gestern bei der #Hollandaise abgefallen sind. Auch der #Bergkäse und ein wenig #Cheddar waren Kühlschrankreste. #Schinken hatten wir auch noch vom Spargelessen.
Sowas finde ich ja immer gut. Möglichst alles verwerten.
Jetzt ist noch ein Pfund grüner #Spargel da. Mal sehen, was ich daraus zaubern kann.
#foodporn #resteverwertung #Quiche #spargel #schinken #cheddar #bergkase #hollandaise
I have to admit I’m slightly worried about my traditionally wrapped cheddar (lard cheesecloth)… any thoughts? #cheesemaking #cheddar
Sartori Momtamore Cheddar.
Don’t let the name fool you, this is a Wisconsin cheddar made by fourth-generation Italian-Americans, not an actual cheddar from Italy.
I liked it. It’s a smooth white cheddar with a hint of Parmesan. Good mouth melt and a hint of nuttiness at the end. Kinda refreshing.
I’ve been eating these as is, but this is the first in a while that I thought would be good in a pasta sauce.
Catholics vs. Protestants The Cheeses:
The Kerrygold is incredibly creamy and grassy at the same time. A really great, smooth distinct cheese. Almost like a wine?
Murray’s Aged English is a totally different cheese. Crystalline and bright. Nutty and slightly sweet. Fresh and easy.
They both nail what they’re going for, so hard to name a favorite.
“Not hard for me, this English is my personal favorite,” says Emily.
#cheese #cheddar #cheesemonger
Belatedly attacking a mini #cheese truckle that I’ve had in the fridge for months. Getting to it before it’s past it! Ironically it’s my absolute favourite cheese, Green Thunder #cheddar from the #Snowdonia Cheese Company. Better late than never! Eating it with Evil Chilli #Chutney from #Somerset. Going to enjoy this cheese over several nights. https://www.snowdoniacheese.co.uk/product/green-thunder/ #CheddarCheese #WelshFood #EnglishFood #BritishFood #Supper
#supper #britishfood #englishfood #welshfood #cheddarcheese #somerset #chutney #snowdonia #cheddar #cheese
Deer Fin,
Befor yoo runned away
Yoo finelly let mama pet yoo
Yoo finelly let mama bwushy yoo
And yoo luved da bwushy
Yoo asked for bwushy eberyday
Fwee times a day
If yoo comes bak
Yoo can has mor bwushy
As much bwushy as yoo wants
#FinStillMissing #PweezComeBak #Fin #Cheddar #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
#finstillmissing #pweezcomebak #fin #cheddar #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
You can never have enough freshly shredded cheese. This stuff taste way better than bagged cheese. That’s 3 blocks of cheese. #mozzarella #Cheddar #Gouda #Cheese #Shredded
#mozzarella #cheddar #gouda #cheese #shredded
Imagine walking through all the accredited Walkers are Welcome Towns in the South West via Slow Ways? It's possible and I like the look of the trek across the Mendips from Cheddar to Keynsham.
#Keynsham #Cheddar #WalkersAreWelcome #SlowWays #Wellbeing #Walking #England #Devon #Wiltshire #Somerset #Bampton #Lynton #Lynmouth #Dunster #Frome #SheptonMallet #NetherStowey #OverStowey #Wiveliscombe #BradfordOnAvon #Corsham #Pewsey
#keynsham #cheddar #walkersarewelcome #SlowWays #wellbeing #walking #england #Devon #Wiltshire #Somerset #Bampton #lynton #lynmouth #Dunster #frome #sheptonmallet #netherstowey #overstowey #wiveliscombe #BradfordOnAvon #Corsham #Pewsey
Mama tired
And so is me
She not sleep good
Sints Fin go flee
I tells her come
Let's take a bwake
We go for nap
Her hed still ake
#CheddarPoetry #FinStillMissing #MamaNeedsCuddlesAndNappy #MiteNotHartOrWeply #Cheddar #Caturday #ITakeCareOfMama #CatsOfMastodon
#cheddarpoetry #finstillmissing #mamaneedscuddlesandnappy #mitenothartorweply #cheddar #Caturday #itakecareofmama #CatsOfMastodon