Chewy hops into da bed
She plays and den she sits
She go spin and kurls up tite
Her fluff, it barely fits
From my cave, I leap out fast
Da Chewy jumps and flees
Den I clime into da bed
Cuz it belongs to me
#CheddarPoetry #ItMineNow #IWantsWatChewyGots #FinStillMissing #IMissFin #CatsOfMastodon
#cheddarpoetry #itminenow #iwantswatchewygots #finstillmissing #imissfin #CatsOfMastodon
Outside dere be lots of werk
And lots of fings to kleen
I halps mama wif it all
As eberyfing turns gween
Den I notiss mama tired
I cwies at her to stop
To da sofa, cuddles now!
Den on her lap I flop
#CheddarPoetry #MamaPooped #ItCuddleTime #NoMorWerky #FinStillMissing #CatsOfMastodon
#cheddarpoetry #mamapooped #itcuddletime #nomorwerky #finstillmissing #CatsOfMastodon
I smelly a smell
I follows da smell
I run in da neybor's bakyard
Mama, she chase
I be on da case!
I ses I smells Fin, I on gard
I kwall thru da fense
Ware junk be all dense
I smelly da smell in da air
But wen I go see
I cwy he not be
Cuz Fin, wen I looked, not be dere
#cheddarpoetry #finstillmissing #CatsOfMastodon
Happyness is
Rolling in da dirt
As sunbeam shines
Warming my fur
As I put on my paynt
#cheddarpoetry #warryerpaynt #happy #finstillmissing
Puffball, gween, in mama's hand
But it be mine, so I demand
I jumps up fast, I gwabs and bite
And hold da ball wif all my mite
My pweshis puffball, wip and shred
I bites yoo til yoo good and ded
#CheddarPoetry #PlaytimeFerapyWifMama #GweenPuffBall #IDedsIt #FinStillMissing #CatsOfMastodon
#cheddarpoetry #playtimeferapywifmama #gweenpuffball #idedsit #finstillmissing #CatsOfMastodon
I halps mama as she werks
And waykes up leefs and dirt.
Suddenly, I hears a skweek,
I run, I finks she hurt!
Mama sits, I comes to see,
She's looking at her shoo.
Den I smells da stinky
Of my wesent stinky poo.
#CheddarPoetry #MamaUpdiggyMyStinkyPoopy #PoopShoo #FinStillMissing #CatsOfMastodon
#cheddarpoetry #mamaupdiggymystinkypoopy #poopshoo #finstillmissing #CatsOfMastodon
Mama tired
And so is me
She not sleep good
Sints Fin go flee
I tells her come
Let's take a bwake
We go for nap
Her hed still ake
#CheddarPoetry #FinStillMissing #MamaNeedsCuddlesAndNappy #MiteNotHartOrWeply #Cheddar #Caturday #ITakeCareOfMama #CatsOfMastodon
#cheddarpoetry #finstillmissing #mamaneedscuddlesandnappy #mitenothartorweply #cheddar #Caturday #itakecareofmama #CatsOfMastodon
Hamsum kitty in da glass,
Da one dat looks like me.
I paws his face, I ses hallo,
I asks him how he be.
Den I asks if he's seed Fin,
But anser me, he not.
As I turn, he dissypeers,
And all dat's left is snot.
#CheddarPoetry #FinStillMissing #WindowKitty #MamaHasBigWorry #CatsOfMastodon #Cheddar #Fin
#cheddarpoetry #finstillmissing #windowkitty #mamahasbigworry #CatsOfMastodon #cheddar #fin
Erlwee in da morning,
I has wilds and I has runs.
Chase da Chewy, chase da Sock,
I play until I's dones.
After all da wild be out,
To mama I den go.
She be habing hurty hed,
My luv for her, I show.
#CheddarPoetry #MamaHasBadHurtyHed #ITakeCareOfHerNow #MiteNotHartOrWeply #CatsOfMastodon
#cheddarpoetry #mamahasbadhurtyhed #itakecareofhernow #mitenothartorweply #CatsOfMastodon
Chewy climes onto da roof
But she not can get down.
So I go and climes up too
And shows her all awound.
Wen I's done, I climes bak down,
And show her how it's done.
Chewy follows closely,
Den she ses dat dat was fun!
#CheddarPoetry #MeAndChewyGoOnRoof #ITeechChewy #IKeepHerSafe #Cats #CatsOfMastodon
#cheddarpoetry #meandchewygoonroof #iteechchewy #ikeephersafe #cats #CatsOfMastodon
Cubbered in fwesh paynt
I wach as da zombees run
Pooping demselfs skared
#CheddarPoetry #Hykoo #Haiku #HaikuDay #WarryerPaynt #Cheddar #CatsOfMastodon #cats
#cheddarpoetry #hykoo #haiku #haikuday #warryerpaynt #cheddar #CatsOfMastodon #cats
Eleben plates wif cuppycakes
Eleben jars of jam
Eleben cups of catnip tee
Eleben biskits, ham
Eleben places all be set
Wif napkins on a tway
Eleben now da Chewy be,
Cuz it's her birdie day!
#CheddarPoetry #BirdieDay #Chewy #She11Now #TeePawtee #YooAllInbited #IPwomiseToBeGood #Cheddar #CatsOfMastodon #Cats #Birthday
#cheddarpoetry #birdieday #chewy #she11now #teepawtee #yooallinbited #ipwomisetobegood #cheddar #CatsOfMastodon #cats #birthday
Liddle piggy makes da ham
And takes it to da stor
Den da piggy sells da ham
Until he gots no mor.
Mama buys da ham for me
I eats and fills my tum
After nappy, after play
I poops it out my bum!
#CheddarPoetry #HamDay #GlazedSpiralHamDay #IWantsAllDaHams #DisMyPiggyAndHammyFwend #Caturday #Cheddar #CatsOfMastodon
#cheddarpoetry #hamday #glazedspiralhamday #iwantsalldahams #dismypiggyandhammyfwend #Caturday #cheddar #CatsOfMastodon
Run run run
From twee to twee
I run run run
I feels so fwee
I climes and chase
I run and play
I has da mostest
Funnest day!
#CheddarPoetry #INotStop #ITooFastForCamra #MamaOnlyGotALiddleBitOfMyRuns #Happy #ILuvsPlayingOutside #Cheddar #Cats #CatsOfMastodon
#cheddarpoetry #inotstop #itoofastforcamra #mamaonlygotaliddlebitofmyruns #happy #iluvsplayingoutside #cheddar #cats #CatsOfMastodon
I come and wach
As mama pets Fin
And den she starts
To skwichy my chin
I starts to purr
And Fin purrs too
He makes a chirp
I makes a mew
And den I tells
Da mama it's time
Den underneef
Da blanky I clime
#CheddarPoetry #TimeForCuddles #Cheddar #Fin #CatsOfMastodon
#cheddarpoetry #timeforcuddles #cheddar #fin #CatsOfMastodon
Come heer, close,
I gibs embwace
Den wif my tung,
I kiss yor face.
#cheddarpoetry #kissy #CatsOfMastodon #cheddar
Wif nippy stems
Between my teefs
I roll awound
In catnip leefs
#cheddarpoetry #catnip #happy #CatsOfMastodon
I's a bunny,
Hippy Hop!
And in yor baskit,
I makes plop!
But if yoo nice
And gib me tweats,
Den I will only
Bite yor feets!
#CheddarPoetry #GibMeTweatsOrYooGetPlops #Bunny #Easter #EasterSunday #EasterBunny #CatsOfMastodon #cats
#cheddarpoetry #gibmetweatsoryoogetplops #bunny #easter #eastersunday #easterbunny #CatsOfMastodon #cats
Outside, dere be bunnys,
But I's not shur wich one be
Da one dat poopys chokwit eggs
And leebs da ham for me.
Dis year, I will cach him,
Wen I pounce, I will not miss!
Den I gonna lik his face,
And gib him kissy kiss!
#CheddarPoetry #EasterEve #MaybeHeStayAndPlayWifMe #Ham #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
#cheddarpoetry #eastereve #maybehestayandplaywifme #ham #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon
Sunbeam wakes
And starts to shine
It bwites da room
Da warm is mine
I has a baff
And wash my face
I lift my leg
Wif furry gwace
And den I kleen
My bumbum hole
As sunbeam shines
And fills my sole
#CheddarPoetry #LikkyBaff #Sunbeam #GoodFriday #CatsOfMastodon
#cheddarpoetry #likkybaff #sunbeam #goodfriday #CatsOfMastodon