Exhausted my #veganism topics for today. If anyone would listen:
- U improve the world and your health (in many cases) this way, and still you could eat some meat and fish sometimes.
- It takes around 5 to 7h per weak to cook for yourself vegan. Mostly because many restaurants are nogos for vegans, worst are cantines. Also because I assume u don't buy the way way way overpriced vegan processed food replacement.
Veganism can be quite #cheep btw.
firkraags@aus.social hey I just wanted to let you know (but not Over There, where I occasionally return to the source of some egregious news or other) that we were in Vancouver BC recently and the pedestrian crossings cuckoo if you're walking N-S and cheep if you're on the E-W. We spent two weeks there cracking up laughing. #PedestrianCrossing #InclusiveDesign #VisuallyImpaired #cuckoo #cheep #chirp
#pedestriancrossing #inclusivedesign #visuallyimpaired #cuckoo #cheep #chirp