happy to see the @CheerLights project has made it over here to the tootiverse, though the website could use some updating as it only lists their discord:
anywho… #CheerLights orange!
@cymplecy I’ve forgotten where we got to with #cheerlights in Mastodon. Can I toot at @cheerlightstracker and get it to set the lights to Red?
It's time for me to be put into a home for the bewildered - I've written a #cheerlights bot ( @cheerlightstracker )and I can't remember what server it's running on even what I programmed it in! (I'm betting #NodeRED)
Got #cheerlights working via MQTT (in micro python) on the m5stack core2. It’s a cool device but documentation seems very poor.
Learning #circuitpython - don't know which is worse my sewing or coding 🤔 the butterfly is made using Wireless Plasma Kit from #Pimoroni that is connected to an #Adafruit MPR121 capacitive touch sensor which allows the flowers made with capacitive touch material to change the animations on the LEDs one of the animations takes colours from #cheerlights (the yellow flower) learned a lot from tutorials by @gallaugher
#circuitpython #pimoroni #adafruit #cheerlights
@Steampunk_Prof Are you having trouble getting cheerlights to change? Best is to send directly to @CheerLights - if you want to use #cheerlights - try following @CheerLights
Yup, sometimes on Discord, or on the #CheerLights hashtag (but hashtags are a bit weird on Fedi).
I have a pretty rough one on my workbench, other people have built much nicer ones.
Can also do things like connect it to home automation, so any rgb lights in your home can be connected!
I built a bot to bridge #CheerLights (https://cheerlights.com) to the Fediverse.
Mention @CheerLights and a colour (like blue), and cheerlights all over the world will change together.
Due to the fact that #Cheerlights is down on the other place, it's up to us to change the colours over here - at the moment - it's pretty much just my @cymplerobot doing most of the work every 30 minutes :( Rosy red please
@CleoQc Unfortunately neither the real world or the #cheerlights one is giving us any colours at the moment :(
My little neopixel #ESP32 board that lets you know what the current #cheerlights colour is even if your colour challenged :)
Supported Colors
@biglesp I was wrong about #cherlights following - it has to follow you to see your #cheerlights tag
red please