Jan Thie · @Jantar
236 followers · 4379 posts · Server mstdn.social

I was very self-disciplined today: I didn't bake more bread.
I baked these instead; for the freezer, mind.
The one I ate, I didn't really want; I just had to test if these buttery, beautifully flaky twisters, with lots of cheese inside, were fit to eat.
Surprise, surprise, they were. Or the one I wolfed down was. Knowing myself, I'd bunged the rest in the freezer the moment they'd cooled off enough.
So that's ten of them waiting for as many moments of future indulgence.

#cheesetwisters #cheese

Last updated 2 years ago

Jan Thie · @Jantar
225 followers · 4110 posts · Server mstdn.social

I will have one later, purely for testing purposes, obviously.
The rest will go into the freezer. (Self control is so much easier if the objects of your desire* are frozen rock solid.)

*and these are true calory bombs:
500gr strong bread flour
200gr full fat milk
100gr butter (folded into what would become a many-layered dough**)
120gr cheese
30gr fresh yeast
19gr sugar
**like a croissant dough

#richardbertinet #cheese #butter #enricheddough #cheesesticks #cheesetwisters

Last updated 2 years ago

Jan Thie · @Jantar
221 followers · 3928 posts · Server mstdn.social

Today's cheese twisters (a Richard Bertinet recipe) are obscenely rich and insanely delicious.
The dough is enriched with eggs and butter, with full fat milk used instead of water, and with 50 gr of sugar(!) added to the mix.
The butter is folded inside the dough, like in a croissant dough, and the dough then rests in the fridge for the night, before being rolled out again, covered with cheese, folded in half, cut, twisted & baked.

#cheese #enricheddough #cheesetwisters #richardbertinet

Last updated 2 years ago

Jan Thie · @Jantar
181 followers · 2966 posts · Server mstdn.social

Being practically snowed in has its advantages, if you like baking (and welcome any excuse to do more of it), though my waistline may have its doubts.
These are from the last few days:
- sourdough bread
- very spicy cheese sticks
- salty pastry dough
- sweet pastry dough (both of the latter two having just started their overnighter in the fridge.)

#sweetpastrydough #homemadepastrydough #breadsticks #cheesetwisters #sourdoughbread #homebakedbread

Last updated 2 years ago