#ChefJohn take 2–lots of leftover cornbread pancake batter means foodie experiment with my ancient waffle iron. Supposedly you can’t use pancake batter in a waffle iron, but this was thick enough that I decided to give it a go. I was not disappointed! All in all I’ve gotten 9 waffles out of my batter. I’m going to store more of them and try them in the toaster next. Stay tuned!
Breakfast for dinner tonight. Trying out #ChefJohn ‘s Cornbread Pancakes with Fresh Strawberry Syrup (minus the syrup because I don’t have strawberries right now). Using orange blossom honey in place of the syrup. Nice and fluffy. Also on the plate is some bacon and smoky links. Mine, not Chef John’s.
I made my breakfast version of the English dish called Toad in a Hole. Like many of the recipes that I post about this is a recipe that I have cobbled together from other recipes. The main influence came from Chef John's YouTube Channel Food Wishes. This recipe is heavily based on his Tadpole in the Hole video.
#chefjohn #foodwishes#recipes #cooking #toadinahole
#chefjohn #foodwishes #cooking #toadinahole