Kotaku: Baki Hanma Has The Most Exciting, Ridiculous Battles In Anime https://kotaku.com/baki-hanma-netflix-yujiro-obama-che-guevara-anime-1850741340 #gaming #tech #kotaku #generationsfromexiletribe #masculinegivennames #bakithegrappler #keisukeitagaki #hajimenoippo #yujirohanma #muhammadali #cheguevara #retsukaiou #bakihanma #jackhanma #heihachi #netflix #pacman #yujiro #sonof #baki #joe
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #generationsfromexiletribe #masculinegivennames #bakithegrappler #keisukeitagaki #hajimenoippo #yujirohanma #muhammadali #cheguevara #retsukaiou #bakihanma #jackhanma #heihachi #netflix #pacman #yujiro #sonof #baki #joe
📸 Exposition « Elliott Erwitt », fameux photographe de l’agence Magnum, au musée Maillol à Paris.
Jusqu’au 24/09/23.
Réjouissante rétrospective, qui compte 250 photos ! 🤩 ⤵️
#expo #photographie #ElliottErwitt #MuséeMaillol #Paris #Magnum #photojournalisme #portrait #rétrospective #exposition #MarilynMonroe #ClarkGable #HumphreyBogart #CheGuevara #TheMisfits #LesDésaxés #cinema
#expo #photographie #elliotterwitt #museemaillol #paris #magnum #photojournalisme #portrait #retrospective #exposition #marilynmonroe #clarkgable #humphreybogart #cheguevara #themisfits #lesdesaxes #cinema
Hayata dair gerçekleri savun.!
Takdir eden olmasa bile vicdanına hesap vermekten kurtulursun."
Herkese iyi geceler güzel insanlar 🌙🌙🌙
Ricardo Levins Morales poster catalog, p558: Ernesto Che Guevara
International revolutionary Che Guevara reflects on what really matters in the world: “The life of a single human being is worth millions of times more than all of the properties of the richest man on earth.”
Available as an 11x17 poster for $11.95: https://www.rlmartstudio.com/product/ernesto-che-guevara/
#MastoArt #artwork #arte #CheGuevara #quotation #LatinAmerica #FediGiftShop #Socialism
#socialism #fedigiftshop #latinamerica #quotation #cheguevara #arte #artwork #mastoart
Il #24giugno 1967 l'assemblea dei minatori boliviani che stava discutendo l'appoggio alla guerriglia di #CheGuevara fu repressa nel sangue
#jorgesanjines ha raccontato tutto in El coraje del pueblo
#24giugno #cheguevara #jorgesanjines #accaddeoggi #bolivia #cinema #movie #film #filmcomminity
Habe ich den schon getrötet? 🤔
Wenn ja: das ist nur eine andere Art des Boostens 🤪
Wenn nein: have fun! 🤣
#FidelCastro #cheguevara #wortwitz
En ole #vapauttaja. Ei sellaisia edes ole. #Kansat vapauttavat itse itsensä. - Ernesto Che Guevara, #vallankumouksellinen #lääkäri 14.6.1928 - 9.10.1967 #cheguevara
#vapauttaja #kansat #vallankumouksellinen #laakari #cheguevara
#14giugno #history #cinemastodont #botd
Era #NatoOggi nel 1928 il rivoluzionario argentino Ernesto #CheGuevara da recuperare anche #InViaggioConCheGuevara, documentario che Gianni Minà ha girato durante la produzione de I Diari della motocicletta https://www.desordre.it/desordre/2004/06/i_diari_della_m.html
#14giugno #history #cinemastodont #botd #NatoOggi #cheguevara #inviaggioconcheguevara
"In my son’s veins flowed the blood of Irish rebels,” proclaimed Ernesto Guevara Lynch, his father, who was proud of his Irish roots and how his family built a new life in Argentina after fleeing Ireland during the Cromwell era. 2/2
#cheguevara #argentina #cuba #onthisday
Ernesto "Che" Guevara was born on 14 June 1928 in Rosario, Argentina. Although the legal name on his birth certificate was "Ernesto Guevara", his name sometimes appears with "de la Serna" and/or "Lynch" accompanying it. He was a Cuban-Argentinian Marxist revolutionary, physician, author, guerrilla leader was born on this day in 1928. 1/2
#cheguevara #argentina #cuba #onthisday
Che Guevara vencedor contra el tiempo https://loquesomos.org/che-guevara-vencedor-contra-el-tiempo/ #CheGuevara
Ernesto "Che" Guevara wäre heute 95 Jahre alt geworden. Wir erinnern aus diesem Anlass an einen Beitrag aus unserer #Filmkritik-Rubrik:
▶ Lena Karber, Ein menschlicher Held? Che Guevara in Steven Soderberghs Biopic von 2008, #WerkstattGeschichte 80/2019, https://werkstattgeschichte.de/alle_ausgaben/politische-gefangene
#CheGuevara #Kuba #Biopic #StevenSoderbergh #Film #movies #Kino #Cinema #Filmgeschichte #FilmHistory #Cinemastodon #VisualHistory #20thCentury
#FilmStudies #MediaStudies #Mediengeschichte
#Mediengeschichte #mediastudies #filmstudies #20thcentury #visualhistory #cinemastodon #filmhistory #Filmgeschichte #cinema #Kino #Movies #Film #StevenSoderbergh #biopic #Kuba #cheguevara #werkstattgeschichte #Filmkritik
Fröhlich geht es in die neue Woche. Revolusmile. Zwinker Smiley
#fröhlich #neuewoche #shirt #linke #antifa #cheguevara
#frohlich #neuewoche #shirt #linke #antifa #cheguevara
"Tek bir kişinin hayatı, dünyadaki en zengin insanın mal varlığından milyonlarca kat daha değerlidir." #CheGuevara
Saturday's book of the day is:
#cheguevara #GuerrillaWarfare #war #warfare
#warfare #war #GuerrillaWarfare #cheguevara
Bonus book of the day is:
#cheguevara #congo #congolesepolitics #congolesehistory #history
#history #congolesehistory #congolesepolitics #congo #cheguevara
Thursday's book of the day is:
#cheguevara #Cuba #cubanrevolution #Cubanhistory #history #revolution
#revolution #history #Cubanhistory #cubanrevolution #cuba #cheguevara
Tuesday's book of the day is:
#cheguevara #che #Marxism #MichaelLoewy
#michaelloewy #marxism #che #cheguevara