Oathday Market (#Kantaria, #Cheliax)
Kantaria has a weekly Oathday Market.
4715 AR: Barzillai Thrune becomes Lord-Mayor of #Kintargo (#Cheliax)*
Barzillai #Thrune, recently in charge of martial law in the city, took the title of Lord-Mayor following a night of arson and murder.
#4715AR #BarzillaiThrune…
#kintargo #cheliax #thrune #4715ar #barzillaithrune
🌑 New Moon: #Aspis Consortium Leadership Meeting (#Cheliax)
The leadership meet once every new moon in a different Chelish city and take great pains to hide their identities from outsiders and even each other.
4715 AR: Night of Ashes (#Kintargo, #Cheliax)*
Thrune agents attacked dissident groups and members of Sarenrae's and Milani's faiths, killing several leaders and burning buildings.
#NightOfAshes #4715AR
#kintargo #cheliax #nightofashes #4715ar
4679 AR: Settlers arrive at the Grinding Coast (#Arcadia)*
The first Chelish and Andoren settlers arrive at the Grinding Coast of Arcadia.
#GrindingCoast #Cheliax #Andoran #4679AR
#arcadia #grindingcoast #cheliax #andoran #4679ar
Oathday Market (#Kantaria, #Cheliax)
Kantaria has a weekly Oathday Market.
🌑 New Moon: #Aspis Consortium Leadership Meeting (#Cheliax)
The leadership meet once every new moon in a different Chelish city and take great pains to hide their identities from outsiders and even each other. … https://www.deviantart.com/yngvarasplund/art/Aspis-Boss-288921574
Blackcove, Hellcoast, Cheliax
#Blackcove #Hellcoast #Cheliax
#blackcove #hellcoast #cheliax
4675 AR: Lictor Reya #Naulvaneti Assassinated (#Kintargo, #Cheliax)*
The Gray Spiders, a local guild of thieves, assassinated the #Hellknight Order of the Torrent's leader. Swift retribution effectively destroyed the guild. https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Order_of_the_Torrent #GraySpiders #4675AR
#naulvaneti #kintargo #cheliax #hellknight #grayspiders #4675ar
Halmyris, Longmarch, Cheliax
#Halmyris #Longmarch #Cheliax #HalikarnassosHills #CliffsofFury
#halmyris #longmarch #cheliax #halikarnassoshills #cliffsoffury
4410 AR: #Everwar Ends (#Cheliax)*
The Wars of Expansion, started in 4305 AR, finally ended when the Chelish crown ceded its territorial ambitions in #Varisia and the Hold of #Belkzen.
#4410AR #4305AR
#everwar #cheliax #varisia #belkzen #4410ar #4305ar
4688 AR: Order of the Crux reformed (#Cheliax)*
Three graveknights clad in scarred #Hellknight armor rose from the ruin of Citadel #Gheisteno 25 years after the Order of the Crux was destroyed there.
#cheliax #hellknight #gheisteno #4688ar
4303 AR: Lighthouse erected (#Blackcove, #Cheliax)*
The government of Cheliax erected the lighthouse at Blackcove on the #Hellmouth Gulf due to the sunken spires just off the coast. The spires are a hazard to shipping. https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Hellmouth_Gulf #4303AR
#blackcove #cheliax #hellmouth #4303ar
Oathday Market (#Kantaria, #Cheliax)
Kantaria has a weekly Oathday Market.
Summer Solstice: Days of Wrath (#Cheliax; #Asmodeus)
Contests and blood sports are held to honor and elevate those who are superior.
https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Days_of_Wrath #DaysofWrath
#cheliax #asmodeus #daysofwrath