200 days alcohol free today marked with a Solstice sunrise icy dip and a lovely 3 hour sunset walk #solstice #sunrise #sunset #alcoholfree #StoodleyPike #ChellowDene #Yorkshire
#yorkshire #chellowdene #stoodleypike #alcoholfree #sunset #sunrise #solstice
200 days alcohol free today marked with a Solstice sunrise icy dip and a lovely 3 hour sunset walk #solstice #sunrise #sunset #alcoholfree #StoodleyPike #ChellowDene #Yorkshire
#yorkshire #chellowdene #stoodleypike #alcoholfree #sunset #sunrise #solstice
Lovely swim this morning. 8° so my coldest yet this year #OpenWaterSwimming #ColdWaterSwimming #ChellowDene
#chellowdene #coldwaterswimming #openwaterswimming
Lovely swim this morning. 8° so my coldest yet this year #OpenWaterSwimming #ColdWaterSwimming #ChellowDene
#chellowdene #coldwaterswimming #openwaterswimming