#ESA 📆 2018 #asteroid danger explained : 18% of the #Tunguska, 0,7% of the #Chelyabinsk size #meteors found https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Images/2018/06/Asteroid_danger_explained
Frequency and risk of an #impact 💥 event : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impact_event#Frequency_and_risk
#Esa #asteroid #tunguska #chelyabinsk #meteors #impact #asteroidthreat
Advertising of the contract service in the #Russian army has reached the public toilets of #Chelyabinsk. #press
A Russian court sentenced musicians Roman Nasryev and Alexei Nuriev to 19 years in prison for setting fire to the administration of the city of #Bakal in the #Chelyabinsk region. This building housed a military registration desk. https://canada.unofficialbird.com/nexta_tv/status/1645342364305596416#m
The deputies of the #Chelyabinsk region proposed to exempt suspects and defendants from criminal prosecution if they decided to voluntarily go to war. https://canada.unofficialbird.com/nexta_tv/status/1641710551775563778#m
In the #Chelyabinsk region, residents cannot bury their loved ones because of there are no roads. The family had to carry the coffin on a sled.
According to local residents, the contractor from the administration is not coping with clearing the streets. https://canada.unofficialbird.com/nexta_tv/status/1637736134997422083#m
High-fidelity simulation offers insight into 2013 #Chelyabinsk meteor: https://www.llnl.gov/news/high-fidelity-simulation-offers-insight-2013-chelyabinsk-meteor - three years modeling and simulating the atmospheric breakup of the meteor underscores the important role material strength and fracture played in the breakup dynamics.
A #meteorite was recovered from the asteroid 2023-CX1 that fell in Normandy France the morning of February 13 2023. This was the third time in history where parts of a previously known #asteroid were recovered on the ground. Researchers were able to pinpoint where to search based on images from the #FRIPON camera network that was designed exactly for this purpose. This meteor occurred nearly 10 years to the day after the more destructive #Chelyabinsk #meteor in Russia.
#meteorite #asteroid #fripon #chelyabinsk #meteor
Chelyabinsk #meteor explosion over #Russia 10 years ago was a planetary defense wakeup call
"Chodas added that it's fortunate that the event was initially recognized for what it was and not misconstrued as some sort of military event. #Chelyabinsk Oblast, the administrative region of which the city of Chelyabinsk is [..] home to the All-Russian Institute of Technical Physics, one of two facilities in Russia that manufacture #nuclearweapons."
#meteor #russia #chelyabinsk #nuclearweapons #otd #nearearthobjects
The Asteroid Blast That Shook the World Is Still Making an Impact. By Phil Plait - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-asteroid-blast-that-shook-the-world-is-still-making-an-impact1/
«A tremendous thunderclap shattered windows all over the city, the flying glass accounting for most of the roughly 1,500 people injured in the event. Fortunately, no one was killed, and infrastructure damage was relatively minimal. […] Chelyabinsk was a wake-up alarm for Earth. A loud one».
#astronomy #asteroids #impacts #chelyabinsk
10 years ago, the #Chelyabinsk #meteor exploded in the atmosphere over Russia, creating an air burst that damaged more than 7000 buildings and injured almost 2000 people.
The bolide was about 20 meters in diameter and exploded about 30 km above the surface. The total kinetic energy was equivalent to about 30 Hiroshima-sized atomic bombs. This event was the largest to have occurred since the #Tunguska event in 1908.
#chelyabinsk #meteor #tunguska
A "super bolide" ☄️ exploded 💥 over Russia in 2013, injuring 1,500 people and damaging hundreds of buildings. It may not be a once-in-a-century event as previously thought. https://www.cnet.com/science/space/its-been-10-years-since-the-biggest-meteor-impact-in-living-memory
#asteroidthreat #chelyabinsk #tunguska
February 15 2013 was a day when we realized the Earth is so very vulnerable. Planetary defense is not a luxury, but an existential necessity.
RT @esaoperations
The #Chelyabinsk meteor struck Earth without warning 10 years ago today. We couldn't see it coming, as it came from the direction of the Sun.
What next for the Sun's hidden #asteroids?👉🪨https://esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Images/2023/02/Chelyabinsk_a_decade_on_the_Sun_s_invisi…
Heute vor 10 Jahren, gegen 9:20 Uhr Ortszeit, ereignete sich über der Stadt #Tscheljabinsk ein großer und weithin sichtbarer #Meteor. Es handelt sich um einen bisher einmaligen #Meteoritenfall, da rund 1500 Personen verletzt wurden, die meisten durch splitterndes #Fensterglas. Sowohl Teile des #Meteorit als auch zerbrochenes Fensterglas können im #Astronomiemuseum der #Sternwarte #Sonneberg besichtigt werden. #ChelyabinskMeteor #Chelyabinsk
#tscheljabinsk #meteor #meteoritenfall #fensterglas #meteorit #Astronomiemuseum #sternwarte #sonneberg #chelyabinskmeteor #chelyabinsk
Could #SAR2667 have come from the same event as #chelyabinsk ? #Astrodon
Update: No
#sar2667 #chelyabinsk #Astrodon
RT @nexta_tv@twitter.com
Russians have literally covered #Chelyabinsk with glowing Putin swastikas.
Anastasia Tomilova, a resident of #Chelyabinsk demands that a deceased mobilized Yaroslav Bulayev who died in #Ukraine in early October should be recognized as her son's father. Now the fate of the "funeral payments" will be decided by a DNA test. https://nitter.net/nexta_tv/status/1598423538821525506#m
il y a 5 ans tombait la météorite de #chelyabinsk https://youtu.be/90Omh7_I8vI