BellingenNSW · @Bellingen
71 followers · 454 posts · Server

Of 1080 and weedkillers
Since settlers introduced a host of pest species to Australia, the fight against the invasive animals and plants has been ongoing. Toxins or fossil fuel machinery are the main tools employed to eradicate the harmful non-native species.
Weedkillers with glyphosate are ubiquitous in the war on out of control weeds. For animal pest species sodium fluoroacetate (1080) bait is dropped from the sky or distributed on the ground.

"Since the 1950s, Australian governments, private contractors and property owners have used 1080 poison baits to kill “pest” animals such as foxes, rabbits, cats, pigs and wild dogs, including dingoes... Australia is only one of a handful of countries that allow the use of 1080 baits..."

The externalities of this cost effective method results in the killing of non-target species. Pet owners who bear witness to their pet dog's extended suffering from poisoning become traumatised. 'Out there' in the bush many Australian animals experience also such a cruel death that goes unseen.

#invasivespecies #poison #toxins #pesticides #glyphosate #sodiumfluoroacetate #chemicalcontrol #nontargetspecies #toxiclandscapes #externality #pets #wildlife #so50s #biodiversity

Last updated 1 year ago

Care Champions Ireland · @CareChampions2
30 followers · 37 posts · Server

"Speaking in An Seanad, Senator Lisa Chambers: "[sedatives] are at times used to maybe ease the burden [of] staff shortages and make it easier to care for somebody. I have direct experience of a couple of cases."

Many families express similar concerns.

#nursinghomes #chemicalcontrol #PublicInquiry

Last updated 2 years ago