In a way Carlson/MAGA Neo-Kayfabe GOP may have a point - rural poor white Americans are forgotten. They reframe the narrative with politicians and media they own for profitable race-based grievance divisiveness purposes clouding business as usual settlements, fines, or fees attempting to make communities whole again paling vastly in comparison to billions upon billions in factual reality profits.
#RailDisaster #Derailment #ChemicalFire #ControlledBurn #OhioTrainWreck
#raildisaster #derailment #chemicalfire #controlledburn #ohiotrainwreck
Fire, derailment, fear
Safety neglected, industry's fault
Accidents an all too common sight
#trainderailment #railsafety #ohio #chemicalfire #cinquain #poetry
#railsafety #chemicalfire #trainderailment #ohio #cinquain #poetry
The most horrifying thing about the Ohio chemical fire is that there is really no way to prep for something like this other than to be aware of a few things: corporations are not your friend and will do anything they can to save/make money and cover their ass; the gov. will also cover their ass; if you have a heightened sense of situational awareness, you might be able to leave the area quickly enough to prevent first line exposure. But the biggest problem is how long these things go on. The clouds are still there and drifting. The area is becoming saturated with toxins. This is a years-long problem and everyone on the ground, including plants and animals are going to suffer for a long time.
#ohio #chemicalfire #prepping #Environmentaldamage
This #SuperBowl weekend includes commercials, events and giveaways, but also an environmental disaster in East Palestine, Ohio. #ChemicalFire #EnvironmentalDisaster
#environmentaldisaster #chemicalfire #SuperBowl