Okay gang, let's give it up for my lil Sylvy J girl. She did 2 nights in her padded kennel for her miserable, absolute bullshit, Frontline plus treatment. But...flea meds would work, I guess. If anyone else in the building used flea control.
The bed is now hers, as it should be. May she stain away.
#chemicalhound #love #hound #spoiled
Okay gang, let's give it up for my lil Sylvy J girl. She did 2 nights in her padded kennel for her miserable, absolute bullshit, Frontline plus treatment. But...flea meds would work, I guess. If anyone else in the building used flea control.
The bed is now hers, as it should be. May she stain away.
#chemicalhound #love #hound #spoiled