Who knew there were so many ways to achieve nucleophilic aromatic substitution? With stunning originality & a fair amount of flair, I present 'Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution 3'. This #chemistryeducation #Chemistry #SciViz 1-pager covers substitution through the formation of benzyne intermediates. It is a #UG summary. It doesn't cover all the elegant chemistry of arynes (the blog version (next week) will include references to good reviews). As always, I hope this is useful ...
#ug #sciviz #chemistry #chemistryeducation
New Blog Post: What happens when you let chemistry students play the role of the three ghosts in the chemistry version of 'A Christmas Carol'. An end of semester activity.
#ChemistryEducation #EducationForSustainableDevelopment #ESD #Academia
#academia #esd #educationforsustainabledevelopment #chemistryeducation
This was a beautiful reaction from last week in the lab. The solutions in the beaker are potassium permanganate, water, and sodium hydroxide. The orange solution has had a little help in reducing the manganese to an orange coloured compound, and that help has come from the glucose in the sweetie! Method: https://edu.rsc.org/exhibition-chemistry/demonstrating-the-chameleon-redox-reaction-with-a-lollipop/4016633.article (note: article says 0.1M NaOH, we found 0.05M far better)
#academiclife #chemistry #chemistryeducation