It's a full 19 deg warmer for my cycle commute today vs. last Friday, but it's windy and absolutely pissing it down. Come back -9 all is forgiven! #BikeTooter #biketoots #CycleCommuter #cyclecommute #ChemistsWhoCycle
#biketooter #biketoots #cyclecommuter #cyclecommute #chemistswhocycle
Inspired by a few conversations I've had this week, and my PhD student entering her first half marathon I've signed up to this 160 km gravel bike ride next July. Not a big distance for many I'm sure, but for a lowly cycle commuter this is a big step up. #CycleCommuter #BikeTooter #gravelgrinding #gravelbike #ChemistsWhoCycle #CyclingChemist
#cyclingchemist #cyclecommuter #biketooter #gravelgrinding #gravelbike #chemistswhocycle