So at 4:04pm I look at my phone. The time is there but the "pm" bit is not there so it looks like 4:04.
My brain missed the colon... and for a second I went "WTF? My phone cannot find its interface?"
#404NotFound #HTTPStatus #HTTP #protocol #phone #interface #Braino #ChemoBrain
#404notfound #httpstatus #http #protocol #phone #interface #braino #chemobrain
#TFW you get up from your desk to do something. You get out of the home office. You walk to the living room.
You don't remember what you wanted to do.
#ChemoBrain #disability #MentalHealth #office #memory #forgetful
#tfw #chemobrain #disability #mentalhealth #office #memory #forgetful
So I woke up last night and was awake long enough to come up with a great #joke that I thought I'd post on here this morning.
Then I went back to sleep.
Then chemo brain intervened.
I don't remember the damn joke.
#joke #chemobrain #humor #forgetful
And... I poopooed this morning. I should have taken my synthroid, but I mistakenly had a snack instead.
No biggie, I guess I'll just take my synthroid later, but I don't like it when I mess up like this.
#medicines #synthroid #snack #chemobrain #forgetful #mentalhealth #hypothyroidism
#medicines #synthroid #snack #chemobrain #forgetful #mentalhealth #hypothyroidism
I think I might have taken a #shower twice today because my #towel was still wet.
Chalk it up to chemo brain.
#shower #towel #chemobrain #forgetful
That feeling when you have a ton of things that jump on your plate, you work through them all, but you have the nagging feeling that you forgot something.
#chemobrain #tfw #thatfeelingwhen #forgot #memory #brain #chemo #anxiety
#chemobrain #tfw #thatfeelingwhen #forgot #memory #brain #chemo #anxiety
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
RT by @physorg_com: Identifying the inflammatory cells behind #chemobrain @OhioState @brainbehavimm @SciReports
Bilan du retour au travail après 13 mois d'arrêt (et de traitements): autant je lis avec plaisir et comprends une synthèse d'études sociologiques, autant je bug quand il s'agit de faire un fond de caisse.
#chemobrain #fried
🎉New blog post up at Cancer AF.
Often times cancer patients, or anyone going through a traumatic and sudden life event really, will reminisce about "normal times"...
Full post here:
#canceraf #leukemia #brainfog #chemobrain
Washington Post: What it’s like to live with brain fog
"The condition, a form of cognitive dysfunction, affects people with long covid, cancer and other chronic conditions"
Regular link:
Gift link (no paywall for 14 days):
#BrainFog #LongCovid #MEcfs #POTS #Cancer #Fibromyalgia #Lyme #ChemoBrain
#brainfog #LongCovid #mecfs #pots #cancer #fibromyalgia #lyme #chemobrain
3/ Presenters for subsections on #Longcovid, #chemobrain, #fibrofog affiliated with Johns Hopkins, Columbia, Toronto respectively.
Will begin next. LC subsection is largest.
#LongCovid #chemobrain #fibrofog
Interesting that 25% of #ChemoBrain reporters say symptoms began prior to treatment. - Cytokines, Immune sys? #
My very first CME live Toot/Tweet will be re: #brainfog & #longcovid, a discussion held in May of 22 at the APA Annual Meeting.
I'll react, share what I learn, try to synthesize it. Sort of like live Tooting a viewing experience of a film.
I'll only share images of primary sourced publicly available material and learning points.
Maybe some jokes.
Looks like they discuss #fibromyalgia and #chemobrain as well.
Likely Saturday.
#brainfog #LongCovid #fibromyalgia #chemobrain
Eine Aktualisierung, das Frühjahr ist schließlich eine gefühlte Ewigkeit her… Im Sommer bekam ich meine #Brustkrebs -Diagnose, wurde operiert (#mastektomie bzw. Amputation beidseitig) und gerade sammle ich Erfahrungen mit #chemotherapie und #chemobrain. Bei all der Scheiße bemühe ich mich, meine #lebensfreude nicht zu verlieren.
#brustkrebs #mastektomie #chemotherapie #chemobrain #lebensfreude
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Originally posted by /
RT by @physorg_com: Preventing '#chemobrain' with antioxidants targeting the spinal fluid @bostonchildrens @neurocellpress