Rachel Evans talking about her group's work on luminescent solar concentrators in her keynote talk at #FJIGC2023
#roysocchem #chemphys #PhysChem #fjigc2023
Emily Draper talking about using the combination of neutron scattering and electrochemistry to study the self-assembly of materials in situ in her keynote at #FJIGC2023
#roysocchem #chemphys #PhysChem #fjigc2023
Volker Deringer reviewing the state of the art in machine-learned potentials in his keynote at #FJIGC2023
#roysocchem #chemphys #PhysChem #fjigc2023
Kevin Carter-Frenk talking about EA-TD-DFT for predicting core x-ray absorption spectra at #FJIGC2023
#roysocchem #chemphys #PhysChem #fjigc2023
Felix Plasser talking about a model explaining the singlet-triplet gap of molecules and a taxonomy of excited states at #FJIGC2023
#roysocchem #chemphys #PhysChem #fjigc2023
Prof. Laura Gagliardi giving the opening plenary of #FJIGC2023
#roysocchem #chemphys #PhysChem #fjigc2023
Somehow I didn't share this yet—I recently published
*Steering droplets on substrates using moving steps in wettability*
my third peer-reviewed article together with Holger Stark.
You can read it for yourself here, completely #openaccess :
#wetting #droplets #softmatter #physics #bem #stokesflow #compphys #chemphys #tuberlin
#openaccess #wetting #droplets #softmatter #physics #bem #stokesflow #compphys #chemphys #TUBerlin