Global News BC: B.C. cherry farmers concerned about crop damage amid rain; helicopters on stand-by #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #helicopterdryingoffruit #OkanaganCherryfarmers #Okanaganfruitfarmers #BCcherrygrowers #cherryindustry #cherryorchards #FruitFarmers #fruitharvest #Environment #CherryTrees #orchardists #CropDamage
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #helicopterdryingoffruit #okanagancherryfarmers #okanaganfruitfarmers #bccherrygrowers #cherryindustry #cherryorchards #fruitfarmers #fruitharvest #environment #cherrytrees #orchardists #cropdamage
Good morning New York!
#cherrytrees #newyork #nyc #CentralPark
#CentralPark #nyc #newyork #cherrytrees
Good morning New York! A cool 65 F to start the day.
#newyork #nyc #CentralPark #cherryblossom #cherrytrees
#cherrytrees #cherryblossom #CentralPark #nyc #newyork
Beautiful #CentralPark #newyork #nyc #spring #cherrytrees #magnolias #azaleas
#azaleas #magnolias #cherrytrees #spring #nyc #newyork #CentralPark
The most beautiful spring I can remember of! #CentralPark #newyork #nyc #spring #cherrytrees #flowers
#flowers #cherrytrees #spring #nyc #newyork #CentralPark
Good morning New York #newyork #nyc #CentralPark #spring #cherrytrees
#cherrytrees #spring #CentralPark #nyc #newyork
Have a beautiful day.
#cherryblossomseason #cherryblossom #springtime #ravenscourtpark #blossomseason #cherrytrees
#Kitakyushu #Kitakyushudestinations #Kitakyushutour #Kitakyushutravel #Kitakyushutrip #Kitakyushuvacation #北九州
#cherryblossomseason #cherryblossom #springtime #ravenscourtpark #blossomseason #cherrytrees #kitakyushu #kitakyushudestinations #kitakyushutour #kitakyushutravel #kitakyushutrip #kitakyushuvacation #北九州
Bye, dear cherry trees. Thanks for all the cherries.
No idea what happened to them, but over the last five years they just kind of withered and died.
#photography #treestump #cherrytrees