Spinner in Vivian Cotton Mills, #Cherryville, #N.C. Been at it 2 years. Where will her good looks be in ten years?. Location: #Cherryville, #NorthCarolina.
#cherryville #n #northcarolina #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
One of the doffers #VivianCottonMills, #Cherryville, #N.C. Nov. 10, 1908. #L.W.H.Location: #Cherryville, #NorthCarolina.
#viviancottonmills #cherryville #n #l #northcarolina #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
Noon hour at #VivianCottonMills, #Cheryville, #N.C. Shows the character of the "hands" in a better class mill, --well ventilated and lighted. Location: #Cherryville, #NorthCarolina
#viviancottonmills #cheryville #n #cherryville #northcarolina #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
The pupils in #theCherryvilleN.C.GradedSchool. 200 attend, including #theHighSchool. Population of the town is 2,000. Where are rest of children? Asked these children how many had ever worked in a cotton mill. About one-third of them held up their hands. Location: #Cherryville, #NorthCarolina.
#thecherryvillen #thehighschool #cherryville #northcarolina #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor