Part 2 of 2.
Few on ramps are two lanes merging into one. If the concern is vehicles backing up onto Marginal Road please split the difference and make the merge happen sooner and give more space to Cherry Walk. But truthfully, how often would vehicles be backing up onto Marginal Road. Two lanes really doesn't help that much. It ALWAYS creates a choke point.
#WestHarlemPiers #StClairPlace
#cherrywalk #Onramp #stclairplace #westharlempiers #westsidehighway
Sent this note to Manhattan Borough Commissioner Ed Pincar,
The West Side Highway southbound (sb) on ramp at St Clair at two lanes creates a choke point for pedestrians and bicyclists on Cherry Walk.
That on ramp does not need to be two lanes.
Part 1 of 2.
#WestHarlemPiers #StClairPlace
#cherrywalk #Onramp #stclairplace #westharlempiers #westsidehighway
Ordered 425 daffodils for #CherryWalk and #WestSideHighway from
Speed gunned the #WestSideHighway at 104 from #CherryWalk at 10:15am. Most cars doing 58. A few over 60 and one at 75. If the goal of the 50 mph #speedlimit is 60 then fine . If it 50, the speed limit must be reduced to 40. To a driver, 50 means it's ok to do 55.
#speedlimit #cherrywalk #westsidehighway
That mint I planted 2 days ago is tough. I expected it to be all dried out and wilty. It wasn't. I should have cut the stems way back but was too lazy.
Planted a bunch of mint amongst the rip rap at 104 on #CherryWalk on the #upperwestside . #Mint is an amazing spreader. Curious how it will look at end of summer.
#mint #upperwestside #cherrywalk
Choosing Riverside Drive over the greenway for biking, I'm always considering safety vs. time vs. winds vs. noise. The greenway at times can be unsafe due to crowding, usually windy and always out of my way, though more scenic. You have the Hudson River there.
The cars zooming by on the West Side Highway are always loud.
Between loudness, wind, congestion, sometimes Riverside Drive is an easier choice.
#hudsonriver #Greenway #bikenyc #cherrywalk #westsidehighway
@atthenius @gwagner I've avoided that area traveling south after swimming because its kind of out of my way and is more likely to have winds, but it is safer than Riverside Drive.and during the week isn't crowded.
Will have to start picking up trash again along there in the morning after swimming.
#riversidedrive #cherrywalk #bikenyc #litterpickers
Just told a few people at the #RiversideParkConservancy that I want to extend the planting north on both the #WestSideHighway and #CherryWalk.
#cherrywalk #westsidehighway #riversideparkconservancy
#Daffodils planted as bulbs late last fall are up on #WestSideHighway Southbound at 100th and along #CherryWalk at 100th. Distinctly, planted them last fall along the highway because within a few years that outer lane will become a #bikenyc lane. Each year I will extend the planting. Good rich soil. Bicyclists move slow enough to appreciate it.
#bikenyc #cherrywalk #westsidehighway #daffodils
I love #daffodils. They are reliable. Not native but not invasive and colorful. These are on #CherryWalk along the #HudsonRiver and I planted them in 2018 and they are still coming up. They will be in bloom in a week and will stay that way for at least 2 weeks as long as it doesn't get too hot.
#hudsonriver #cherrywalk #daffodils
@atthenius I have to assume daffodils are wind pollinated because when they come up there are no insects out. I expect them around early April. The most northern batch is at St. Clair behind the #CherryWalk sign.
I'll probably be editing this post so I can learn to play with linking a Pixelfed account.
@atthenius One year I went a bit nuts and planted about 600 daffodils. I planted several bunches on #CherryWalk and they come up every year. I must have planted them 4 years ago. I planted them fairly deep so they aren't up now. Cherry Walk is mowed by a private contractor working for #NYC #DOT. Not Parks. Since #COVID they seem to mow less so the #daffodil foliage is up long enough to feed those bulbs for the following year.
#daffodil #COVID #dot #nyc #cherrywalk
@Karen5Lund @atthenius I have a routine now. On Friday morning I run around and do observations near me. My wife's gardens, those across the street. The Plant Peoples gardens in the 80s and maybe a jaunt along #CherryWalk. I should go up to the #Bronx for one day on the weekend and #Queens or #StatenIsland for another. If its raining I'm not going to want to.
#statenisland #queens #bronx #cherrywalk
@atthenius @Streetsblog My apartment has a view of that #WestSideHighway and there are collisions every day in both directions and immense backups. I also pickup litter along #CherryWalk and encounter much trash which is obviously from collisions. I encounter much trash which is obviously tossed out of moving cars. Its a major explicit expense for the city and implicit expense for all.
@irizoris I planted #daffodils in about 5 spots on #CherryWalk 4 years ago. They come up reliably every April. Will be planting some more this year and some by the #WestSideHighway where bikes will inevitably take a lane.
#westsidehighway #cherrywalk #daffodils