47 years ago:
Revenge of the Cheerleaders (US)
There's shakin', quakin' and plenty of booty to be enjoyed when the perky gals from Aloha High School shimmy their groove things in this red-hot sequel to The Cheerleaders. Rainbeaux Smith (from the first film) is back ... and pregnant!
#RevengeoftheCheerleaders #CherylSmith #EddraGale #CarlBallantine #ClassicFilm
#revengeofthecheerleaders #cherylsmith #eddragale #carlballantine #classicfilm
49 years ago:
Caged Heat (US)
A young woman is convicted on drug offenses and sent to a women's penitentiary run by a repressed and oppressive female warden. When the prison's sadistic doctor begins conducting illegal "therapeutic" experiments on the inmates, the ladies plot their revenge.
#CagedHeat #JonathanDemme #RobertaCollins #CherylSmith #BarbaraSteele #JohannaDemetrakas #WomenInFilm #Movies
#cagedheat #JonathanDemme #robertacollins #cherylsmith #barbarasteele #johannademetrakas #womeninfilm #movies