First of the latest two mornings on badger vaccination. At least, I guess the first one's a badger. There's some good mud about at this site. I know, I've sat down in it several times while pre-baiting.
#badgers #cheshirebadgervaccinationprogramme
Only two and a half weeks until 4 of us from the CBVP effectively go full time for 12 days to vaccinate a large area, maybe 150 cages on the go between us. As I'm allegedly fit I've been given the round with the least vehicular access and am sweating the logistics of getting 40 cages into 5 main areas. An erythristic badger from our last round to remind me why I've let myself in for this.
#badgers #cheshirebadgervaccinationprogramme #wildlife
Heading into the woods to find the first badger to vaccinate and release this season.
#cheshirebadgervaccinationprogramme #badgers #wildlife
First meeting of the year of our badger vaccination group.
Always seems a moment when you stop congratulating each other on the last year's achievements and start planning for the new season. Hopefully at some point we will become redundant and the silent rhythms of the night can go on undisturbed by our presence but for as long as the cull goes on we will be out doing our bit to keep little lads like this safe.
#cheshirebadgervaccinationprogramme #badgers