Chess again today, got white again. Apparently, in this position there is an obvious mate in 8 [sic!], which - for some reason - I did not find over the board. I did play Bg3 here, which stockfish isn't too impressed with, but still gives me +13 (which was good enough to win later on, even for a patzer like me). Can you do better? #chess #chessproblem #chessjoke #chesspunks
#chesspunks #chessjoke #chessproblem #chess
Chess again today, got white again. Apparently, in this position there is an obvious mate in 8 [sic!], which - for some reason - I did not find over the board. I did play Bg3 here, which stockfish isn't too impressed with, but still gives me +13 (which was good enough to win later on, even for a patzer like me). Can you do better? #chess #chessproblem #chessjoke #chesspunks
#chesspunks #chessjoke #chessproblem #chess
In English you can't call a rook a "castle". But you can castle with it. WTF?
#chess #chessjoke