Matthew van Eerde · @mvaneerde
20 followers · 244 posts · Server

King and Pawn endgame from a game I just played: Black to move and hold the draw.

In the game I was White. Black played an incorrect move and I won.

#chessendgame #chessproblem #chess

Last updated 2 years ago

Ricky Radon · @RickyRadon
32 followers · 74 posts · Server

I contributed a win to my teams draw in our league game yesterday, in spite of missing a mate in 11 ...again... Stockfish does like my last move h6, but after blacks gxh6 (see diagram) it considers my "natural" R1xh6 a blunder >sigh< I doubt you can calculate that mate (I can't, even though I know it is there!) - but knowing that there is "something", the first move kind of sticks out like dog balls in the sun.

#checkmate #chesspuzzle #chesspunks #chessproblem #chess

Last updated 2 years ago

Ricky Radon · @RickyRadon
32 followers · 74 posts · Server

In this position there is one move only that does give black a win (well, a +3 advantage for the time being) White did sacrifice a bishop on g6 earlier and now there seems to be little hope in holding its black counterpart on e6. However,... what? What's blacks escape?
This isn't exactly linear, there is no real "this-is-it"-line. You need to calculate quite some possibilities to be sure. Apparently, whites best response to blacks saver is Ka1. Now, go figure!

#chesspuzzle #chessproblem #chess

Last updated 2 years ago

Ricky Radon · @RickyRadon
29 followers · 53 posts · Server

Some from a club game I played yesterday. I did sacrifice the h7 pawn earlier in exchange for the white king being held in the center. In this position I opted for Qh4 with double attack on Bh7 and f2 which I thought was brilliant! Stockfish, however, gives Qh4 a "??" and white +3.22... >sigh< instead, I could have played ... what?
NB This is not some in 5 or anything. Just a good move that gives me some material & good game.

#checkmate #chesspunks #chessproblem #chess

Last updated 2 years ago

Ricky Radon · @RickyRadon
32 followers · 74 posts · Server

Some from a club game I played yesterday. I did sacrifice the h7 pawn earlier in exchange for the white king being held in the center. In this position I opted for Qh4 with double attack on Bh7 and f2 which I thought was brilliant! Stockfish, however, gives Qh4 a "??" and white +3.22... >sigh< instead, I could have played ... what?
NB This is not some in 5 or anything. Just a good move that gives me some material & good game.

#checkmate #chesspunks #chessproblem #chess

Last updated 2 years ago

egyp7 · @egypt
1237 followers · 82 posts · Server

First: I look at material. Black just captured a pawn but otherwise it's even. Next, king safety: the black king is protected behind pieces and pawns and our only check (Bc6+) doesn't look like it gains us anything. Our own king isn't under any immediate threat.

#chesstactics #chesspuzzle #chessproblem

Last updated 2 years ago

Ricky Radon · @RickyRadon
22 followers · 43 posts · Server

Chess again today, got white again. Apparently, in this position there is an obvious mate in 8 [sic!], which - for some reason - I did not find over the board. I did play Bg3 here, which stockfish isn't too impressed with, but still gives me +13 (which was good enough to win later on, even for a patzer like me). Can you do better?

#chesspunks #chessjoke #chessproblem #chess

Last updated 2 years ago

Ricky Radon · @RickyRadon
32 followers · 74 posts · Server

Chess again today, got white again. Apparently, in this position there is an obvious mate in 8 [sic!], which - for some reason - I did not find over the board. I did play Bg3 here, which stockfish isn't too impressed with, but still gives me +13 (which was good enough to win later on, even for a patzer like me). Can you do better?

#chesspunks #chessjoke #chessproblem #chess

Last updated 2 years ago