Puzzle from one of my 3+2 games. Mate in 5. White to play #chess #chesspuzzle #lichess
Z okazji Międzynarodowego Dnia Szachów życzę każdej osobie grającej w tę piękną grę, aby po prostu się nią cieszyła – nieważne czy dąży do zostania arcymistrzem lub innym centymetrem, czy po prostu nauczyła się szewczyka do wygrywania z mamą, wujkiem czy innym dziadkiem. Gens Una Sumus ❤️
Jako "prezent" macie ode mnie zagadkę najbardziej szalonym matem w 1, jakiego kiedykolwiek widziałem. Ruch białych. Powodzenia! @szachy #szachy #chess #chesspuzzle
Puzzle from one of my 3+2 games. Mate in 3. White to play. #chess #chesspuzzle #chesspuzzles #lichess
#chess #chesspuzzle #chesspuzzles #lichess
Puzzle from one of my 3+2 games. Mate in 5. Black to play. #chess #chesspuzzle #chesspuzzles #lichess
#chess #chesspuzzle #chesspuzzles #lichess
White to move and not lose.
(courtesy of chess dot com)
Black to move, mate in 3.
I'm proud to announce that this is the first 1500+ chess puzzle ever whose solution I could completely visualize in my mind without help from any chess software or side board.
I mean, it's not the first chess puzzle I solve, but usually I do a quick analysis with zero-depth by more or less guessing what could happen and then letting the chess program tell me I'm wrong, or doing the next move which I had to solve further or just wild guessing again.
Not with this one; this time I made the effort 😤 until I clearly saw the checkmate in my mind with 100% certainty 🕵️.
When I played the solution, the engine moved exactly as I had predicted until I mated the opponent.
I'm progressing, guys! :blobcheer:
#chesspuzzle #chesspunks #chess
White to play and mate in three moves. Truly an amazing combimation.
Nice tactic my opponent (white) missed during a game.
Can you find it? white to move.
#chess #chesspuzzle #tactic #lichess
FEN: r5k1/5ppp/3Qp3/3p1b2/8/p3PB2/1qr2PPP/R4RK1 w - - 3 25
#lichess #tactic #chesspuzzle #chess
Black to move, mate in 4.
Can you find it?
#chess white to move and gain an advantage here.
When there are horsies like that, you know there must be a fork. It's just a matter or finding, or creating it.
A nice puzzle I had now on #lichess #chesspuzzle
Mate in 3. White to move. Difficulty 3 of 5. #chess #chesspuzzle #chesspunks
#chess #chesspuzzle #chesspunks
A nice chess puzzle I just solved. there are so many pieces and so many potential attacks that it took me some time to find it, but then it's really simple.
White to move.
I contributed a win to my teams draw in our league game yesterday, in spite of missing a mate in 11 ...again... Stockfish does like my last move h6, but after blacks gxh6 (see diagram) it considers my "natural" R1xh6 a blunder >sigh< I doubt you can calculate that mate (I can't, even though I know it is there!) - but knowing that there is "something", the first move kind of sticks out like dog balls in the sun.
#checkmate #chesspuzzle #chesspunks #chessproblem #chess
Mate in 2. White to move. Difficulty 3 of 5. #chess #chesspuzzle #chesspunks
#chess #chesspuzzle #chesspunks
White to move. Mate in 4. Difficulty 2 of 5. #chess #chesspuzzle #chesspunks
#chess #chesspuzzle #chesspunks
White to move. Mate in 3. #chess #chesspuzzle #chesspunks
#chess #chesspuzzle #chesspunks
Mate in 4. White to move. Difficulty 2 of 5. #chess #chesspuzzle #chesspunks
#chess #chesspuzzle #chesspunks