Gary · @empiricism
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Are you being lied to on social media? In adverts? By the business "leaders". Or some of the "paid off" politicians in the News? Is the News being "paid off" by a corporation?

Who can we trust? What we can, generally trust is science. The experiments, etc. But, how do you know that the "science" is really the science and not pseudoscience? Well, the more you learn of, for example, chemistry, the less other people can "greenwash" you with their ignorant or deceitful rhetoric.

What the fossil fuel industries really knew (& know) about climate change was very different from what they told the public. What the fuel industries really know about the harmful effects of inhaling air pollution is very different from what they say to the public.

Transcript from 'Drilled' S1: The Origins of Climate Denial

"That [Exxon] document goes on to say, "it is distinctly possible that the corporate planning department scenario will later produce effects which will indeed be catastrophic at least for a substantial fraction of the Earth's population." In another Exxon memo sent a few years before the one Kurt just read there, scientist James Black warned Exxon executives that in five to 10 years we could be facing some hard decisions about energy usage and climate change. He was talking about making those decisions in the early 80s. But by that time Exxon was starting to move in a different direction"

That different direction was propaganda (e.g., greenwash, misdirection, corruption, attacking the and climate on social media).



#science #BPknew #fordknew #gmknew #bigoil #climate #podcast #totalnew #chevronknew #polluterpaysprinciple #WindfallProfitTax #scientists #climatechange #new #BigOilKnew #exxonknew #shellknew

Last updated 2 years ago