Reminiscing about my first ever #nonprofit gig in Washington, DC, where I supported the #capitalcampaign. The bustling streets and iconic buildings downtown became my playground. Moreover, the vibrant community in #ChevyChase introduced me to incredible folks like Ryan Williams (Digital/Specials Producer at DC Public Library). I'm filled with sadness knowing that the @4H Conference Center is no longer around. #ThrowBackThursday feelings are bittersweet.
#nonprofit #capitalcampaign #chevychase #throwbackthursday
"Chevy Chase has less than 1 percent of the city’s dedicated affordable housing units, according to D.C.’s Office of Planning. Its residents are also overwhelmingly White in a city that is 45 percent Black — and that’s by historical design. Founded by Francis G. Newlands, a former U.S. senator and avowed white supremacist, the neighborhood kept Black people out for decades through racial covenants that barred their homeownership."
On June 8, 1984, National Lampoon’s Vacation debuted in West Germany. Here’s a portrait of Chevy Chase on a torn-out book page to mark the occasion!
#Vacation #NationalLampoonsVacation #NationalLampoon #HaroldRamis #ChevyChase #ComedyMovie #RoadMovie #RoadComedy #WallyWorld #1980sMovies #AdventureComedy #PenDrawing #BookArt
#vacation #nationallampoonsvacation #nationallampoon #haroldramis #chevychase #comedymovie #roadmovie #roadcomedy #wallyworld #1980smovies #adventurecomedy #pendrawing #bookart
"LANDSHARK" teableau for 05/20/23
#chevychase #snl #shark #landshark #blacktea #teableau #tea
With a new movie about the start of "Saturday Night Live" in preproduction, Chevy Chase reminisces about the time -- well, one season -- he spent on the groundbreaking show.
#ChevyChase #SNL #SaturdayNightLive #TV #TVNews #Movies #Movienews #entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
#chevychase #SNL #saturdaynightlive #TV #tvnews #movies #movienews #Entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebrity #celebritynews
A lot of Chevy Chase's film characters share one thing in common -- they're all very much like the actor who played them. And Chase says that's especially true of the "Fletch" films.
#ChevyChase #Fletch #FletchLives #80smovies #movies #movienews #entertainmentnews #Film #entertainment #entertainmentnews #celebritynews
#chevychase #fletch #fletchlives #80smovies #movies #movienews #entertainmentnews #film #Entertainment #celebritynews
31 years ago:
Memoirs of an Invisible Man (FR,US)
After a freak accident, an invisible yuppie runs for his life from a treacherous CIA official while trying to cope with his new life.
#MemoirsofanInvisibleMan #JohnCarpenter #ChevyChase #DarylHannah #SamNeill #MarionRothman #SciFi #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#memoirsofaninvisibleman #johncarpenter #chevychase #darylhannah #samneill #marionrothman #scifi #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
Everyone in need of a good laugh, go listen to 'Fly on the Wall', the podcast from Dana Carvey and David Spade, with the hilarious Chevy Chase as guest.
#chevychase #davisspade #danacarvey #FlyOnTheWall
Raise your hand if you knew that #ChevyChase played drums in a band with the guys who went on to form #SteelyDan. He said at the time they were a "really bad jazz band." I'd say they did pretty okay. #Music #ClassicRock
#chevychase #SteelyDan #music #classicrock
This is the 4th of 4 #ChevyChase movie polls.
#Vacation #EuropeanVacation
#ChristmasVacation #VegasVacation
#chevychase #vacation #europeanvacation #christmasvacation #vegasvacation #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon
This is the 3rd of 4 #ChevyChase movie polls.
#ModernProblems #SeemsLikeOldTimes
#chevychase #undertherainbow #memoirsofaninvisibleman #modernproblems #seemslikeoldtimes #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon
This is the 2nd of 4 #ChevyChase movie polls.
#chevychase #fletchlives #funnyfarm #spieslikeus #foulplay #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon
This is the 1st of 4 #ChevyChase movie polls.
#chevychase #nothingbuttrouble #fletch #caddyshack #threeamigos #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon
On January 29, 2013 National Lampoon’s Vacation was released on Blu-ray in Poland. Here’s a portrait of Chevy Chase on a torn-out book page to mark the occasion!
#Vacation #NationalLampoonsVacation #NationalLampoon #HaroldRamis #ChevyChase #ComedyMovie #RoadMovie #RoadComedy #WallyWorld #1980sMovies #AdventureComedy #PenDrawing #BookArt
#vacation #nationallampoonsvacation #nationallampoon #haroldramis #chevychase #comedymovie #roadmovie #roadcomedy #wallyworld #1980smovies #adventurecomedy #pendrawing #bookart
Today I learned #PhilAldenRobinson, director of #Sneakers and #TheSumOfAllFears was an uncredited script doctor on the 1985 #ChevyChase #movie #Fletch.
#philaldenrobinson #sneakers #thesumofallfears #chevychase #movie #fletch
Ich liebe diesen Film!
RT @CET_Podcast: Hilfe es weihnachtet sehr! Ein Podcast-Weihnachts-Special aus dem CET-Archiv. 🎅 😎
#podcast #podcastdeutsch #film #schönebescherung #christmasvacation #familiegriswold #80er #chevychase #komödie #weihnachtsfilm
#podcast #podcastdeutsch #film #schonebescherung #christmasvacation #familiegriswold #80er #chevychase #komodie #Weihnachtsfilm
Warten auf "Schöne Bescherung" #ChevyChase in Bünde :-) Das ganze #Kino für uns allein!
Home from a week of admin meetings in Juneau, partner out hunting, time for my favorite Christmas movie of all time: Christmas Vacation.
I have loved Chevy Chase since I saw him on the original SNLs back during the Stone Age. 😉
#ChristmasVacation #ChevyChase #Xmas #ChristmasMovie #Christmas #oldpeopleofmastodon
#oldpeopleofmastodon #christmas #christmasmovie #xmas #chevychase #christmasvacation
#rock #mickeyhart #KeithRichards #anitapallenberg #paulsimon #chevychase #georgeharrison