Whee! My have arrived! It's so satisfying to chew on this right now. I am hoping that it will help replace my nail biting stim.


Last updated 1 year ago

Angela · @seawall
431 followers · 3839 posts · Server mastodon.nz

Hey Fans, here's a material way you can help with an ongoing parenting hassle of mine:

These chewable silicone pendants, aka ? My 6yo spends half his time chewing them, the other half chewing the hard plastic toggle of the neck cord until it is flattened and unable to hold the pendant around his neck.

Please send links for 3D-printable toggle clasps so I can replace them more frequently and easily.

#makers #3dprinter #chewelry #actuallyautistic

Last updated 2 years ago

The Book of Kels · @Nezchan
822 followers · 13098 posts · Server wandering.shop

I got my chewies today, yay!

They're not exactly what I needed, uh....yay!

Don't get me wrong, they're great. Really cool designs, great feel and all that. But...they're too damn big for what I need them for.

What I need isn't a large (comparatively, they're only about 6.5cm across) toy to chew on, but rather a smaller toy to put in my mouth and run my tongue along. And now that I know, I'm going to be able to get ones that suit my needs more.

#adhd #chewelry

Last updated 2 years ago

The Book of Kels · @Nezchan
805 followers · 12934 posts · Server wandering.shop

Eek, just looked up a video of the two chewies I ordered, and one of them is WAY bigger than I thought it would be.

I was expecting a smaller size, but apparently it's quite big. About 14cm x 14 cm x 2cm. That's a bit concerning.

The other one isn't quite so big, a 6.5cm oval.

I may end up using the big one as a hand stim thing rather than oral.

#adhd #chewelry #chewie

Last updated 2 years ago

The Book of Kels · @Nezchan
783 followers · 12835 posts · Server wandering.shop

Had quite the odyssey this morning, ordering that I mentioned in another post.

The way they've got the site set up, when you go to your cart it gives you a choice to go to checkout or pay with PayPal. Well, I went to checkout since that's where you enter your address info and such. And then I could either pay with credit card or PayPal. I went with PayPal because I wasn't in the mood to fuss with credit card stuff.

It didn't work.

#adhd #chewelry

Last updated 2 years ago

The Book of Kels · @Nezchan
776 followers · 12817 posts · Server wandering.shop

Well, put in my chew pendant order from Chewigem in Manitoba, so at least I don't have to worry about cross-border nonsense.

Getting two pendants, both of which I think look pretty nice. We'll see how they work in practice, but I'm excited to find out.

#adhd #chewelry #stimming #stimtoys

Last updated 2 years ago