#Cambodia: ‘The new UN resident coordinator [since Oct’22] praised Cambodia’s “improving” record on #HumanRights, drawing double-takes from reality-based observers & those concerned with facts… He might need a closer look... NagaWorld union leader #ChhimSithar & Cambodian-American lawyer #ThearySeng are still in jail, government critics face ongoing legal harassment & intimidation, & reports about forced labor & slave compounds persist.’ | #CambodiaDaily weekly dispatch https://open.substack.com/pub/cambodiadaily/p/developers-snatch-up-idyllic-island?r=7p2cc&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
#cambodia #humanrights #chhimsithar #ThearySeng #cambodiadaily
#Cambodia: ‘The new UN resident coordinator praised Cambodia’s “improving” record on #HumanRights, drawing double-takes from reality-based observers & those concerned with facts… He might need a closer look... NagaWorld union leader #ChhimSithar & Cambodian-American lawyer #ThearySeng are still in jail, government critics face ongoing legal harassment & intimidation, & reports about forced labor & slave compounds persist.’ | In the CambodiaDaily weekly dispatch https://open.substack.com/pub/cambodiadaily/p/developers-snatch-up-idyllic-island?r=7p2cc&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
#cambodia #humanrights #chhimsithar #ThearySeng
#Cambodia: ‘The new UN resident coordinator praised Cambodia’s “improving” record on #HumanRights, drawing double-takes from reality-based observers & those concerned with facts… He might need a closer look... NagaWorld union leader #ChhimSithar & Cambodian-American lawyer #ThearySeng are still in jail, government critics face ongoing legal harassment & intimidation, & reports about forced labor & slave compounds persist.’ | In the CambodiaDaily weekly dispatch https://open.substack.com/pub/cambodiadaily/p/developers-snatch-up-idyllic-island?r=7p2cc&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
#cambodia #humanrights #chhimsithar #ThearySeng
#Cambodia: ‘The new UN resident coordinator praised Cambodia’s “improving” record on #HumanRights, drawing double-takes from reality-based observers & those concerned with facts… He might need a closer look... NagaWorld union leader #ChhimSithar and Cambodian-American lawyer #ThearySeng are still in jail, government critics face ongoing legal harassment and intimidation, and reports about forced labor and slave compounds persist.’ | In the CambodiaDaily weekly dispatch https://open.substack.com/pub/cambodiadaily/p/developers-snatch-up-idyllic-island?r=7p2cc&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post
#cambodia #humanrights #chhimsithar #ThearySeng
#Cambodia:: CIVICUS and Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) condemn the recent arbitrary arrest of labour activist, #ChhimSithar, and call for her immediate and unconditional release. The government of Cambodia must also stop the judicial harassment against her and other trade union activists in the country.« FORUM-ASIA, 1 December 2022 https://forum-asia.org/?p=37654
#Cambodia: “Dozens of protesters marched to Phnom Penh Municipal Court Friday, calling for the release of unionists, activists, and opposition members who remain imprisoned on…politically motivated charges… union leader #RongChhun called for the release of more than 50 prisoners of conscience, including the prominent Cambodian-American human rights advocate #SengTheary [#ThearySeng] and NagaWorld union leader #ChhimSithar. | CamboJA News https://cambojanews.com/activists-family-members-call-for-release-of-prisoners-of-conscience/
#cambodia #rongchhun #sengtheary #ThearySeng #chhimsithar
#Cambodia: “Dozens of protesters marched to Phnom Penh Municipal Court Friday, calling for the release of unionists, activists, and opposition members who remain imprisoned on…politically motivated charges… union leader #RongChhun called for the release of more than 50 prisoners of conscience, including the prominent Cambodian-American human rights advocate #SengTheary [Cambodian-American lawyer #ThearySeng] and NagaWorld union leader #ChhimSithar. | CamboJA News https://cambojanews.com/activists-family-members-call-for-release-of-prisoners-of-conscience/
#cambodia #rongchhun #sengtheary #ThearySeng #chhimsithar
#Cambodia: “Dozens of protesters marched to Phnom Penh Municipal Court Friday, calling for the release of unionists, activists, and opposition members who remain imprisoned on…politically motivated charges… union leader Rong Chhun called for the release of more than 50 prisoners of conscience, including the prominent Cambodian-American human rights advocate #SengTheary [Cambodian-American lawyer #ThearySeng] and NagaWorld union leader #ChhimSithar. | CamboJA News https://cambojanews.com/activists-family-members-call-for-release-of-prisoners-of-conscience/
#cambodia #sengtheary #ThearySeng #chhimsithar
#Kambodscha: Inhaftierte Gewerkschafterin freilassen!
#ChhimSithar, soll gg. #Kautionsauflagen verstoßen haben, von denen sie gar nichts wusste. Chhim Sithar, Vors. d. #Gewerkschaft #LRSU ist erneut wg. ihres Einsatzes für Menschenrechte in #Haft.
Hintergund: #Streik wg. #Massenentlassungen
#urgentaction #kambodscha #chhimsithar #kautionsauflagen #gewerkschaft #LRSU #haft #streik #massenentlassungen
#Kambodscha: Inhaftierte Gewerkschafterin freilassen!
#ChhimSithar, soll gg. #Kautionsauflagen verstoßen haben, von denen sie gar nichts wusste. Chhim Sithar, Vors. d. #Gewerkschaft #LRSU ist erneut wg. ihres Einsatzes für Menschenrechte in #Haft.
Hintergund: #Streik wg. #Massenentlassungen
#urgentaction #kambodscha #chhimsithar #kautionsauflagen #gewerkschaft #LRSU #haft #streik #massenentlassungen
Wegen Einsatzes für die Menschenrechte in Haft: Setzt Euch für die Gewerkschaftsvorsitzende #ChhimSithar in #Kambodscha ein! Sie ist willkürlich festgenommen worden, weil sie sich für Arbeitnehmerrechte eingesetzt hat. https://bit.ly/3FW3bEg
#Cambodia: Immediately Release and Drop Charges Against Union Leader #ChhimSithar | Human Rights Watch
Cambodia: Immediately Release and Drop Charges Against Union Leader #ChhimSithar | Human Rights Watch
#Cambodia: ‘NagaWorld union leader #ChhimSithar was questioned at the Phnom Penh International Airport today and has been sent to prison, with a police official saying she violated her bail conditions. …Licadho, which represents some of the charged NagaWorld workers, said…Sithar’s lawyers were not aware or informed of “any judicial supervision or probation conditions, such as travel restrictions.”’ | VOD English https://vodenglish.news/nagaworld-union-leader-detained-at-phnom-penh-airport/ #