Today's writing soundtrack for #CHI2024 #CHI
Machine Girl - Gemini
The right mix of pounding idiot intensity and upbeat-ness to keep my head down.
How did I ever work late at night without a cat until this past year? #CHI2024
#chi2024 offers authors a number of ways to publish and present work, interact, discuss and learn, along with dedicated opportunities for students. For more details see:
Are you a #ieeevis author sprinting for the #chi2024 deadline, but time is running out? Fear not, the IEEE PacificVis 2024 deadline is 2 weeks later (Sep 24 abstracts/Oct 1 papers), and papers in the new PVis journal track will be published in
Armen Nalbandian & Chris Corsano
Complex turbulent jazzy flow: helping me keep my head down in the run up to the #chi2024 deadline
The #chi2024 chairs have published a new page “For Reviewers” which explains how to Volunteer to Review, How Reviewers are Selected, how to manage Bias in Peer Review.
Along with a link to “The Guide to Reviewing” which provides detailed guidance for reviewers on contribution types, review language as well as quality, use of AI tools, and prior publications.
#CHI2024 Updates to the R&R Process
I understand that many people feel conflicted, and do not know how they can take action when they feel alone. Therefore, I am organizing a list of dissenters. I have been vocal about my commitments to justice in HCI since I was a student, both online, in person, and in academic writing. The data you submit will not be released to anyone, and connections to other dissenters will not be made without the express permission of all parties. My first intent is to collect data on the numbers of dissenters, and then, if possible, to coordinate action between members of volunteer groups. I am not using Google or Microsoft products to collect or store this data, nor am I using products associated with my institutional affiliation. You can enter your information in this form, if interested:
This is an excerpt from:
whatever happens this year with #CHI2024 I think it's worth starting to rethink its structure
if we were putting together a conference from scratch what would it look like?
does it need to be annual?
does it always need to be all-together?
The #CHI2024 organisers (with input from many people) have published a new blog post on CHI in Hawaiʻi. Everyone is listening to the community and this post addresses some of the issues raised.
Please read this latest post here:ʻi/
We appreciate everyone who is volunteering to help CHI’24.
I release the following post regarding #CHI2024, #whyCHI, and any other academic conference planning to remain in Hawai'i in this or any other year. May this discomfort lead us to new knowledge and renewed action. If this is your statement, CHI, then I'm sorry, but money alone won't fix things. We need to change our behaviour, and we need to accept that we cannot have it all. #chi2024 #whychi
@RaphaelWimmer Thanks for the pointer. It looks like the UH template encourages personal reflection on one's relationship to Hawaii and its people. Meanwhile, #chi2024 acknowledgement is a near word-for-word copy of somebody else's text including the presumably personal preamble "it is with profound reflection...". This creates an impression of lack of reflection or effort.
#CHI is my home & I don't want to bash my community. But I want to make sense of Prof. Hester's concerns.
I put a fragment of the land acknowledgement from the #chi2024 web site into a search engine; it is copied almost word-for-word (including the opening "it is with profound reflection that we offer up this Land Acknowledgement") from a speech by UH Provost ( First, it makes CHI's land acknowledgment look insincere. Second, as Prof. Hester points out, the original was part of a speech supporting a new Maunakea telescope which some Native Hawaiians strongly oppose.
I've already said in January that I won't be submitting to, reviewing for, or attending #CHI2024:
Now after the #Maui fires, there's renewed discussion about #whychi - read below for a very thoughtful appeal for not supporting CHI this year.
In case you missed this: #chi2024
Working through the swathe of supervisor comments for my CHI paper submission.
How's your Monday going?
#PhD #AcademicToot #Researchpaper #phdlife #HCI #games #chi2024
#phd #AcademicToot #ResearchPaper #phdlife #HCI #games #chi2024
Not sure I'm proud of making this, but I feel like I should keep updating it every year - so my countdown timer to the #CHI2024 papers deadline is live, full of what are hopefully calming/cute/awe inspiring gifs:
I'm really happy to see that the #CHI2024 paper chairs try to work against paper bloat. My impression is that lifting the page limit has not led to significantly higher quality, but conciseness became less valuable. This disqualified shorter contributions, that were also officially encouraged but in practice maybe perceived as "less important" (at least that's my impression based on the reviews I received 😄).