The Center for Election Science is looking for an Executive Director (or rather "CEO" is what they're calling it now). It's a non-profit that could use some diversity in its upper ranks. @brainwane : I'm especially interested in what you think that "#CES" (or #C4ES) should do, but really many of my #SF -based friends would probably be good choices #Electorama #electowiki #nonprofit #electoralreform #California #CA #SFBay #SanFrancisco #ChicoCA #CovinaCA #Covina
#ces #c4es #sf #electorama #electowiki #nonprofit #electoralreform #california #ca #sfbay #sanfrancisco #chicoca #covinaca #covina
#DumpDay #Tomorrow #ChicoCA #MarysvilleCA #WestSacramento #RanchoCordova #CleanCA #Trash #Litter #Free @CaltransHQ @CAgovernor @ChicoCityof @cityofwestsac @CityofRCordova Visit for all the details!
#dumpday #tomorrow #chicoca #marysvilleca #WestSacramento #ranchocordova #cleanca #trash #litter #free
NEXT WEEK! Four FREE #DumpDays in #ChicoCA, #MarysvilleCA, #WestSacramento, & #RanchoCordova, a #CleanCACommunityDays education fair, lots of #communitycleanup activities, #graffitiremoval, #treeplanting. Have we forgotten anything? @CAgovernor @CaltransHQ #CleanWaterCA #DumpDay
#dumpdays #chicoca #marysvilleca #WestSacramento #ranchocordova #cleancacommunitydays #communitycleanup #graffitiremoval #treeplanting #cleanwaterca #dumpday
FOUR FREE #DUMPDAYS coming to #chicoca #marysville #westsacramento and #ranchocordova! We're celebrating #CleanCA Days of Action to meet the goals of #CleanCA. Details at For other statewide events visit @CAgovernor @CaltransHQ
#dumpdays #chicoca #marysville #WestSacramento #ranchocordova #cleanca
WOW! What a great response! Thanks #ButteCounty for coming to #DumpDay in #ChicoCA! Our dumpsters are filled so we need to shut down early. We'll be back on Saturday, March 25 at the same location. Follow us for further updates! @CaltransHQ
@CAgovernor #CleanCA #cleanwaterca
#buttecounty #dumpday #chicoca #cleanca #cleanwaterca
So I bought an inexpensive #Chromebook (Lenovo) for office work and bookkeeping. It's ok, but I'm not in love with learning a new OS or being restricted to online instead of local. I'm going to try replacing it with an iPad (more $) which I already know and like. Wish me luck. Anybody in #ChicoCA want to buy a new Chromebook?
#ChicoCA city council: the newest and youngest councilmember, Addison Winslow, is asking detailed questions about a new ginormous project, "Valley's Edge" and how it might not meet the goals of the city's proposed housing element. This is in the firebreak between Paradise and Chico and will be zoned almost exclusively for single-family-housing. They'll have a ton of open space, but only for the people who live there.
Starting in January this will be our calendar. Sad to see so many closed days. #chicoca #libraries #friendsOfTheLibrary
#chicoca #libraries #friendsofthelibrary
Thinking about volunteering in retirement. I volunteer for a Friends of the Library group, and we are aging out. We need some young newly retired people - with time - to help support our library. How to make it happen?
#libraries #chicoca #friendsofthelibrary #volunteer
#libraries #chicoca #friendsofthelibrary #volunteer
Although the Butte County Library has not yet announced it, as of Jan. 1, library hours at all branches will be reduced. The Chico Library will be closed Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday. But the Friends carry on -- earning much-needed $$$ to buy books and support programs. Last book sale of the year is this Saturday, Dec. 17. #ChicoFriendsOfTheLibrary #ChicoCA #ButteCounty #Libraries
#chicofriendsofthelibrary #chicoca #buttecounty #libraries
Is anybody on here in #chicoCA #ChicoCalifornia and #Wordpress competent? I'm a volunteer with the Chico Friends of the Library and the keeper of our website . I'm a retired programmer (C++, java, RPG) with *very* limited user interface skills. ... and I'm old so brain isn't the sharpest tack in the box. Anyway, WE NEED A LOCAL WORDPRESS VOLUNTEER, with enough skill too mess with broken plugins, a good attitude, and dependable. Please boost. Thank you.
#chicoca #chicocalifornia #wordpress
Is anybody on here in #chicoCA #ChicoCalifornia and #Wordpress competent? I'm a volunteer with the Chico Friends of the Library and the keeper of our website . I'm a retired programmer (C++, java, RPG) with *very* limited user interface skills. ... and I'm old so brain isn't the sharpest tack in the box. Anyway, WE NEED A LOCAL WORDPRESS VOLUNTEER, with enough still too mess with broken plugins, a good attitude, and dependable. Please boost. Thank you.
#chicoca #chicocalifornia #wordpress
#FallColor in #ChicoCA is pretty ok right now.
#introduction Hi. I'm new and rummaging around. So far I have 3 Mastodon accounts, but will fix that soon. I was born in SF, lived in SFBayArea for many moons (boomer here). Retired from software development and moved to Chico. I like ...
#knitting #photography #chicoca #libraries #volunteering , friends, etc.
#introduction #knitting #photography #chicoca #libraries #volunteering