📈 Will C-suite community leaders ever be the norm?
âž• If CNN+ had worked, what would community have looked like?
💼 Would you rather be a working community pro or a consultant?
Despite some reluctance on my part, we did a first-ever "Ask Patrick Anything" episode of @communitysignal, where I answered questions from our Patreon supporters and subscribers.
Listen here: https://www.communitysignal.com/the-chief-community-officer-hype-machine/
#OnlineCommunities #ChiefCommunityOfficer #CNN #CNNPlus #CommunityManager #CMGR #ContentModeration
#onlinecommunities #chiefcommunityofficer #cnn #cnnplus #communitymanager #cmgr #contentmoderation
📈 Will C-suite community leaders ever be the norm?
âž• If CNN+ had worked, what would community have looked like?
💼 Would you rather be a working community professional or a community consultant?
Our latest is a first-ever "Ask Patrick Anything" episode of the show, where I answered questions from our Patreon supporters and subscribers.
Listen: https://www.communitysignal.com/the-chief-community-officer-hype-machine/
#OnlineCommunities #ChiefCommunityOfficer #CNN #CommunityManager #CMGR #ContentModeration
#onlinecommunities #chiefcommunityofficer #cnn #communitymanager #cmgr #contentmoderation