Excited to share the work of The Equiticity Racial Equity Movement with the #chihacknight community via a virtual presentation on Tue, July 25 at 7pm CT. Let’s ride.
Kicking off #chihacknight no 548 with Preeti Shankar and Paul Esling from the Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT)
Chicago 2015-2019
Traffic stops (mostly in BIPOC areas and mostly uncited/no arrest)
85k -> 600k
Foot-based STOP and Frisk (post ACLU victory)
300k -> 65k
Are traffic stops the new stop and frisk in Chicago? Happening now at https://chihacknight.org #chihacknight
Excited to hear from Rose Afriyie at #chihacknight tomorrow on her report with GET Cities on why people across various or multiple racial and gender identities stay in their roles, job hop, or leave the tech industry
Report: http://www.getcities.org/retention-at-the-intersections/
Event info: https://chihacknight.org/events/2023/05/23/rose-afriyie.html
Excited to hear from Rose Afriyie at #chihacknight tomorrow on her report with GET Cities on why people across various or multiple racial and gender identities stay in their roles, job hop, or leave the tech industry
What ways will the network connect? Will there be a Slack channel like #ChiHackNight, or perhaps a special Instance on Mastodon?
Do current members use the list feature on Twitter and host a list of other tech people? This is my tech network list. https://twitter.com/i/lists/47275315
There's already a history from Code for America so there may be things to build on.
check out the Illinois Wastewater Surveillance System dashboard https://iwss.uillinois.edu/ #chihacknight
Dr. Melissa Pierce and Dr. Katelyn Leisman
Mago Torres announcing Media Party Chicago - happening June 8-10, 2023
Register here: https://mediaparty.org/
I'm watching your panel discussion at the UIC forum right now. https://www.facebook.com/UICUrbanForum
Great information and good example of why people should join #ChiHackNight events.
#chihacknight is starting now! Tune in here: https://www.youtube.com/chihacknight/live
Tonight’s presenter: https://chihacknight.org/events/2023/04/18/victor-sauca.html
very excited for #chihacknight tonight! we'll be hearing from Victor Sauca, one of the folks behind https://native-land.ca/
tune in tonight at 7p CT!
I've countless photos of Chicago, looking from the Merchandise Mart toward the lake and from the lake toward the Merchandise Mart. It's a breathtaking view. A treasure for all of us.
I used to come to the weekly #ChiHackNight events so saw this view weekly. Since 2020 and the start of Covid I've only been in the city a few times.
Interested in giving a talk at #chihacknight? We are starting to book presenters for May & June!
We offer a $100 honorarium for each presenter. For more info, check out how to pitch your talk here: https://chihacknight.org/speaker-submissions.html
Have you reviewed the MyChiMyFuture data map at https://data.cityofchicago.org/Events/My-CHI-My-Future-Programs-Map/da3u-gtzr
There's a lot of unpublished work being done to visualize this data and collect more related to youth programs, STEM, etc.
The Chi STEM Pathways Coop is leading some of this work. https://chicagostempathways.org/initiatives/stem-landscape-survey-refresh/
In a ZOOM meeting yesterday they and a team from NU previewed some of the work still not public.
I think they'd be a great #ChiHackNight guest.
I hope new mayor will continue this work, not start over.
Tonight’s presentation: Jake Williams from StateScoop #chihacknight https://chihacknight.org/events/2023/02/21/jake-williams-statescoop.html
I'm getting set for tonight's #ChiHackNight. Some people will be meeting in person while myself and others will connect via YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/chihacknight/live
The topic is "How government technology news could restore faith in media"
Join in. It's FREE.