Global News BC: B.C. weather: Arctic outflow, extreme cold warnings issued for large swath of province #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #arcticoutflowwarnings #Extremecoldwarnings #EnvironmentCanada #PrinceGeorge #BCInterior #NorthCoast #PeaceRiver #BCweather #Chilcotin #Whistler #Weather #Cariboo
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #arcticoutflowwarnings #extremecoldwarnings #EnvironmentCanada #PrinceGeorge #BCInterior #NorthCoast #PeaceRiver #BCweather #chilcotin #whistler #Weather #cariboo
Global News BC: Arctic chill over north and central coasts of B.C. #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #EnvironmentCanada #northerlywinds #CentralCoast #Hypothermia #NorthCoast #BCweather #Chilcotin #Frostbite #HoweSound #WindChill #Weather #Kitimat #Terrace
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #EnvironmentCanada #northerlywinds #centralcoast #Hypothermia #NorthCoast #BCweather #chilcotin #Frostbite #howesound #WindChill #Weather #Kitimat #Terrace
A sockeye salmon on the rocky shore of Tsinlhqox Biny. 🐟
(Tŝilhqot’in territory)
#Chilcotin #BritishColumbia #salmon #WildlifePhotography #nature #fish #sockeye
#chilcotin #BritishColumbia #salmon #wildlifephotography #nature #fish #sockeye
A #canoe on Teẑtan Biny (Fish Lake) in Nexwagwezʔan (Dasiqox Tribal Park) in Tŝilhqot’in territory.
I took this #photo following a beautiful ceremony to mark the 8th anniversary of the Xeni Gwet’in and Yuneŝit’in declaring their shared intention to create the #Indigenous protected and conserved area.
Interested in learning more about Dasiqox?
#canoe #photo #indigenous #photography #conservation #BC #chilcotin