Normal Island News
Tories furiously insist they will starve more children than Labour would
And they have the track record to back this up
Following yesterday’s earth-shattering announcement that Labour would starve children by keeping the two-child welfare cap (which even had me cheering), the Tories have furiously insisted they are the real child starvers.
#NormalIslandNews #ChildBenefit #ToryLies #LabourUTurn #sunak #starmer #poverty
#poverty #starmer #Sunak #labouruturn #torylies #childbenefit #normalislandnews
Keir Starmer suggests two-child benefit cap row is example of what taking ‘tough choices’ involves – UK politics live
Labour leader says party is having row about ‘touch choices’ at the moment during speech at thinktank run by Tony Blair
They did not disagree on much, but to describe it as a love-in does not quite capture the uneasy hierachy jostling that was going on.
#Starmer #Blair #ChildBenefit #fascism #LabourRightWingCoup #LabourFiles #RedTories #politics
#politics #redtories #labourfiles #labourrightwingcoup #fascism #childbenefit #blair #starmer
Labour backlash against #Starmer over #childbenefit U-turn
How much more backtracking and aligning with nasty Tory policy does it take for enough people to recognise that Starmer and his right wing zealots are destroying the Labour Party.
"Case for abolishing two-child benefit cap ‘overwhelming’, says report"
A further reminder, if such be needed, that Starmer's Labour is on the wrong side of reality.
The pain of #openSource is when someone you don't like uses your software.
Population Matters has a horrible history - from pandering to flight-addicted rich people by offering to offset the emissions of one flight by helping ensure one Kenyan is not born though its "PopOffsets" programme (hardly #climatejustice to more recently campaigning to remove #uk #childBenefit from families with more than 2 children.
#opensource #climatejustice #uk #childbenefit