RT @EmpoweredKidsON@twitter.com
What are you doing to drive new ideas and solutions, and encourage dialogue in the child development & rehabilitation sector? Submit an abstract for presentation or poster for @EmpoweredKidsON@twitter.com Spring Symposium in early 2023!
#EKOSS23 #ChildDev #Conference @ChildrenON@twitter.com #Toronto
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EmpoweredKidsON/status/1603058527068725248
#ekoss23 #childdev #conference #toronto
2009 article by the late Prof. Barbara Tizard on #Bowlby's '#attachment theory' and #maternal #deprivation.
"In the last part of [Bowlby's] life[...] he abandoned his original insistence on the irreversible consequences of maternal separation[...] his interest had shifted to the problems of adults with dysfunctional working models of attachment. Unfortunately, it is his original crude theory that has stuck in the public mind."
#Bowlby #attachment #Maternal #deprivation #childdev #psychology #attachmenttheory
~Hey mom, technology is stealing my soul again. Can you make it stop? ---
#Art dies many deaths. According to some, art died when people started viewing copies of art outside of #museums. #Lithography killed art that first time, according to some.
As the technology for replicating art evolved, objects of art became become less and less precious and more of merely a commodity for aims outside of the original intent and beauty.
Beauty is real in a way affectation is fake. #Beauty takes #truth, affectation takes delusion.
With regard to art, every innovation in technology brings us further from authenticity.
Fast forward to the present and A.I. art is like the #devil grabbing your #heart and tearing it from your #soul. An ethical #artist will see the danger of removing humans completely from art.
Instead of teaching new generations to be creative, we teach them to press buttons to get the simplest of emotional responses. Our minds are diminished by #technology in many ways, and that dehumanization should be recognized.
A.I. is dehumanizing. I do guiltily use it myself it in the context of digital art. A.I. does have uses as a tool for digital art, but any use of #AIart will detract from developing actual talent by gaining knowledge and practice.
Images really do steal your soul. That's the lesson of #AI art.
Teach each child of the next generation to be creative. Dispel the authoritarian idea that only special people have talent. Talent is not really a thing in itself, but the consequence of knowledge and practice.
#ChildDev -- Down with A.I. art and up with nurturing the artist in every child.
#Art #museums #lithography #beauty #truth #Devil #heart #soul #artist #technology #aiart #ai #childdev
RT @bergelsonlab@twitter.com
new paper out in #ChildDev (@SRCDtweets@twitter.com) spearheaded by @shannonmdailey@twitter.com! see summary thread below:). fun fact: the babies in the nice piece in @DukeU@twitter.com's Duke Today are now EIGHT! #SlowScience #DevelopmentalPsychology (thnx @DukeBrain@twitter.com's Dan Vallabha for the writeup!) https://twitter.com/shannonmdailey/status/1598717401021165569
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/bergelsonlab/status/1598745877648396288
#childdev #slowscience #developmentalpsychology
#cognitivescience #cognitivedevelopment #psychology #psych #philosophy #cogdev #childdev #research #science #children #infantstudies will this help me find folks?
#cognitivescience #cognitivedevelopment #psychology #psych #philosophy #cogdev #childdev #research #science #children #infantstudies