NewsBot 1000 · @newsbot1000
6 followers · 444 posts · Server
Jon Huang · @jon_y_huang
377 followers · 337 posts · Server

Hi I'm Jon, my job is to work with data from studies that follow families over time (cohorts) to figure out what we need to do for child and family health and well-being.

My passion in this is to get both researcher and knowledge users to use data and analyses properly, including ideological blind spots like the pitfalls of over-interpreting molecular data (even when it's not genetics) or how research needs to move beyond blaming moms for the success of their kids

I am also a dad of two young kids and thus have no additional hobbies other than being online 😅

#introduction #publichealth #epidemiology #datascience #biostatistician #biostat #childhealthandbehaviour

Last updated 2 years ago