#CastlevaniaIII might have been the first videogame soundtrack that really got me. I have a draft thread of #Castlevania music covers, arrangements, and original compositions in the style which I have been meaning to share, but to to begin... here's "Beginning."
#vgmwednesday #childhoodgames #castlevaniaiii #castlevania
There's plenty of choices for music I loved from games I played as a kid, but I decided to pick something a little more obscure.
One of my favorite games growing up was H.E.D.Z. You play as an alien wearing masks (made from humans 💀 ) that give you different powers. This track plays in the playground themed levels and always intrigued me for having the sound of children playing as part of the song.
This is something I haven't looked up for years, or played (at least, anything other than a quick, fiddly and abortive attempt on a computer keyboard) in decades... yet the tense music of the first level feels so familiar.
Solar Jetman on the NES was such a good game, and the funny thing is that it came to mind because I just played No Man's Sky, which is similar in both concept and tension levels... #VgmWednesday #ChildhoodGames
For @miona ‘s #VgmWednesday the theme this week is #ChildhoodGames
So since I grew up on late 70s and 80s arcade games, that should be an easy pick.
Selecting Bubble Bobble feels like cheating, although it might be s good entry for an ear worms episode?
So I’m picking a game that’s very dear to my me and one I keep returning to year after year: Elevator Action by Taito.
My #VGMWednesday #ChildhoodGames has got to be the entire OST of Donkey Kong Country on the SNES. To this day, if I need to get a lot of work done, I throw this bad boy on and rock out. Some absolute BANGERS! https://youtu.be/_4EjGXRDOH0?si=RrVUjnfYiIoZEoew
I'm not much of a capital-g Gamer, but this #VgmWednesday from @miona is about #ChildhoodGames and there's one song that has stuck with me for about 30 years - at first because the audio quality on the Amiga (which is where I first seen this game) was incomprehensibly better than my PC-XT. Then because it was so, so catchy. And finally, as an adult, because the content is just so sickening for a children's game.
Hooo, #VGMWednesday, by @miona !
And the theme is #ChildhoodGames .
Ok, yeah, I played the old SuperMario Bros game on NES, but... It was at friend's home. I played (and play) mainly from PC.
So, one game I remember from it was... Commander Keen saga!
This is a track from Commander Keen 4: Goodbye Galaxy
Commander Keen 4 music - Welcome to a Kick in the Pants in Good Old Hillville
The Theme of Todays #VGMWednesday theme is #ChildhoodGames, so share your nostalgia songs!
Mine has to be Burn my Dread from the #Persona 3 Soundtrack.
As a Child I really loved this song and still do to this day. It perfectly summarizes the mood of Persona 3 to me.
#persona #childhoodgames #vgmwednesday
The theme for today's #VGMWednesday is #ChildhoodGames
There are a lot of songs from the NES, Gameboy Color, and GameCube that take me back, but Animal Crossing was a special game for me and my family.
I couldn't choose between all of the hourly themes, so I've picked the title screen, which spent a fair amount of time on the living room TV after someone had logged off to give another person a turn.
#AnimalCrossing #childhoodgames #vgmwednesday
This might be cheating since it’s not an OST but does anyone remember Road Rash?
Paw - Jessie
So today's #VGMWednesday theme is #ChildhoodGames.
I played so much Sonic 2 multiplayer as a kid so I've decided to go with Casino Night 2 Player from that game. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2vXERrUwY60&pp=ygURc3RoMiBjYXNpbm8gbmlnaHQ%3D
@miona @mdmrn
#VgmWednesday #ChildhoodGames wow, a lot of my childhood happened during the 8 bit PC game era, indeed the first console to become popular in South Africa were SNES knock offs and that didn't happen until the early 1990s.
Those 8 bit PC games didn't usually have much music due to only supporting single channel sound, which was left for effects.
But titie screens often had theme songs. Like this classic.
Sitting in the garden, thinking about marbles.
Correction: The glass marbles with the wavy lines weren’t the cat’s eyes- cats eyes were black ceramic marbles with a slice of bright colour running pole to pole.
#marbles #childhoodgames #audio
Did you play #Chinese skipping rope games in your childhood years?
#chinese #asianmastodon #childhoodgames #rubberbands