Uzi Bobuzi · @ruemaleficent
48 followers · 593 posts · Server

I dreamed about my mother last night and i guess it tapped into the stuff I keep under a heavy iron door in my psyche because I had an epiphany about an hour ago. It ties into my name issue and why I haven't been able to find the right one. (see

Girls weren't diagnosed with autism when I was growing up. Hardly anyone was. So I was just the weird kid that nobody liked. Elementary school and junior high were particularly bad times for me. I was mocked, derided, ridiculed, picked on at school and beaten at home by a mother who would snap seemingly out of nowhere and lash out at me when I had no idea what I'd just done to make her so mad. Nowhere was safe, except my paternal grandparents' house, and I only got to see them every other summer due to my mom and step dad moving us all the way across the country when I was 7, and we were there until I was in 8th grade when we moved back. I was a lonely kid who hid in fantasy and the woods and the only friend I had was another outcast kid that my mom disliked so I wasn't allowed to play with her very often though she lived around the corner.

I have never liked my given name and at some point in 7th grade I decided to change it. I told everyone including my teachers that I wanted to be called by my initials: KC. One of the kids that was big on picking on me immediately started singing "She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain Casey Jones" at me. And it caught on.

I remember being on a field trip, captive in the bus with the whole class, and someone started singing that. The whole bus joined in, including my history teacher. I don't know if they thought they were joshing me in a friendly way because by then any attention like that seemed like loaded mockery, with me as the butt of the joke. I remember everyone laughing and singing (including the teacher) while I tried to shove myself into non-existence in the corner of the seat, humiliated, looking out the window and trying to will myself away while silent tears streamed down my cheeks. I felt so othered. So disdained. It was a relief when we finally moved back home to California, where I went to school with my cousins and I was no longer the butt of everyone's joke--though it always felt like I was.

And remembering this, I realize why I'm paralyzed at the idea of changing my name and why I have never been able to find one that I think suits me. Because of this hellish bus ride where my chosen nickname was just so hilarious for all and sundry that they had to sing it at my forlorn, weeping, outcast younger self.

The saddest part is that even though I understand this, I still can't bring myself to think about changing my hated given name. Those wounds were deep and left emotional keloid scars that are too powerful to redeem.

#autism #bullying #childhoodtrauma

Last updated 1 year ago

@astro_jcm you can relate to the pain of children in Greece learning to write.


Last updated 1 year ago

CPIPR · @PopResearchCtrs
553 followers · 807 posts · Server

Along with smoking, alcohol abuse, and lack of physical activity, research finds that the following factors also increase the risk of premature death among older adults: 1. recent financial difficulties, unemployment history, 2. childhood trauma, divorce history, and 3. negative outlook, poor self-esteem.


#NICHDimpact #Mortality #prematuredeath #financialstress #childhoodtrauma #mentalhealth #self

Last updated 1 year ago

MattiP 🤡🃏🧌🚩 · @MattiP
59 followers · 1274 posts · Server

I was so disappointed when Mowgli choose to leave his cool animal friends in the jungle for a... girl? I left the cinema crying.


Last updated 1 year ago

ProfezzorDarke · @ProfezzorDarke
4 followers · 38 posts · Server

Gestern Abend hat sie mich tatsächlich mal wieder gebissen, mein Herz ist etwas geschmolzen...

Nein, ich habe keine Katze, nur eine Freundin die von welchen aufgezogen wurde.

Und leider scherze ich da nicht.

aber leider auch

#childhoodneglect #childhoodtrauma #theclosestigettodatingacatgirl #love #hope

Last updated 1 year ago

Jax · @SpaitialEnby
22 followers · 62 posts · Server

I just realized I learned to write poetry at Slam nights as a child. That's probably the only actual cool fact about my childhood.

#childhoodtrauma #healing

Last updated 1 year ago

RamenCatholic 🐢 🌈 · @RamenCatholic
739 followers · 11632 posts · Server

@Swede1952 But as a I was always able to tell which direction my mom was in by following the hearing aid squeel.

Or the sound of her keys in her hands while signing during the


#Coda #deafgoodbye #ActuallyAutistic #childhoodtrauma

Last updated 1 year ago

The Psychic Mantra · @khudaniariya
7 followers · 155 posts · Server
Psychiatry Lübeck · @Psychiatry_Luebeck
30 followers · 21 posts · Server
Bren ☕ · @brenthinks
8 followers · 36 posts · Server

It can develop into fear of expressing and asserting themselves. They won't be able to communicate well, and communication is a very important skill that affects many (if not all) aspects of our lives.

If suppressed, it can build up and explode later on. Imagine all those years of just keeping things to themselves.

Learning: When I have kids, I will give them the voice to explain themselves but in a respectful manner.


#toxicparenting #toxicculture #childhoodtrauma #communication

Last updated 2 years ago

Bren ☕ · @brenthinks
8 followers · 35 posts · Server

Toxic parenting culture: not giving your kids the chance to explain themselves whenever they make mistakes or don't agree with you. Instead, you just yell at them and worse, call them names.

If the intention is to make them fear you so that they don't make the same mistake again, maybe it will work. But in the long run, it can lead to that can haunt them even in adulthood.


#filipino #trauma #toxicparenting #toxicculture #childhoodtrauma

Last updated 2 years ago

ThreeOfUs · @threeofus
6 followers · 59 posts · Server

For context, I was neglected as a baby and young child and so have struggled with anxious attachment and fear of abandonment issues my whole life. Unbeknownst to myself, I sought to fill that hole by seeking female attention. Obsessively seeking. Like it occupied my brain every second of every day. Everything I did was geared towards that goal.

#cyclothymia #AttachmentStyles #childhoodtrauma #anxiety #mentalhealth

Last updated 2 years ago

詩霖Leisaa · @Shilin0127
164 followers · 928 posts · Server

Emotional maltreatment and neglect impact neural activation upon exclusion in early and mid-adolescence: An event-related fMRI study

#neuroimaging #intimatepartnerviolence #emotionalneglect #childhoodtrauma

Last updated 2 years ago

詩霖Leisaa · @Shilin0127
164 followers · 928 posts · Server
詩霖Leisaa · @Shilin0127
164 followers · 927 posts · Server

Brain injury in women experiencing intimate partner-violence: neural mechanistic evidence of an “invisible” trauma

#intimatepartnerviolence #emotionalneglect #childhoodtrauma

Last updated 2 years ago

詩霖Leisaa · @Shilin0127
164 followers · 926 posts · Server
Dr. Figuring-things-aut · @AutisticDoctorStruggles
346 followers · 909 posts · Server

Quite the day today! Went on an apartment viewing, now soon off to therapy, then hopefully a nice time at the cat cafe. Feeling a bit subtly unsettled and nervous (had a weird nightmare last night..). First time I meet my therapist in person too - feeling a bit nervous about this actually 😬 and what we're going to dig up.

#emdr #childhoodtrauma #actuallyautistic

Last updated 2 years ago

Danny Redwoods · @DannyRedwoods
80 followers · 99 posts · Server

Maybe my parents harassed me in the kitchen so much bc they were jealous that an unsupervised child was a better cook than them lmao

#cooking #parents #shittyparenting #shittyparents #neglect #baking #childhood #childhoodtrauma #jealousy #petty

Last updated 2 years ago

dustcircle · @dustcircle
65 followers · 1236 posts · Server

The Guide to Awakening
S01E03 : Healing the Unbroken or your Mind
from childhood or more simply to reprogram some automatic we have that are not serving us as good as possible. To go deeper into and how to handle it

#atheist #spiritual #reprogramming #healing #trauma #behaviors #childhoodtrauma

Last updated 2 years ago

Phoole · @phoole
107 followers · 645 posts · Server

I know the author of this thread is controversial - but I relate so much to this specific thread and maybe you do too.

#twitterthread #psychology #childhoodtrauma #cptsd

Last updated 2 years ago