Richard · @thelad
9 followers · 75 posts · Server

Me: check the bath water before getting in, even if mummy or daddy have made the bath, it is always good to check yourself.

Daughter: puts hand in, "that's good".
d: "I'm just drying my hand"

m: "why are you drying your hand? You are just about to get in the bath!"

d:"it's wet, I don't want a wet hand"

#childlogic #parenting

Last updated 1 year ago

S L Stanley · @wordleaks
58 followers · 73 posts · Server

In other small child dog related news I also begged my parents to buy me a dog covered in bruises . Apparently I meant a Dalmatian

#childhoodwisdom #childlogic #dogs

Last updated 2 years ago

S L Stanley · @wordleaks
97 followers · 138 posts · Server

In other small child dog related news I also begged my parents to buy me a dog covered in bruises . Apparently I meant a Dalmatian

#childhoodwisdom #childlogic #dogs

Last updated 2 years ago

VmbraWolf · @vmbrawolf
22 followers · 21 posts · Server

Have you seen that "France is bacon" post knocking around the internet? I have a similar personal experience I'd like to share with you.

As a child I had often heard the phrase "tilting at windmills", and quickly understood that it sort of meant "lost the plot". The thing is, I never knew what "tilting" actually meant, other than something leaning at a jaunty angle.

Skip forward to my mid-to-late twenties while I'm playing Final Fantasy XIII and I encounter an enemy called a "Tilter", a large machine thing that looks a bit like a lance welding centaur, ish. So, there I was wondering why it was called a Tilter when it clearly wasn't tilting, so I looked it up and discovered Don Quixote (something that I spent a long time pronouncing very wrong), and suddenly everything made sense

However, I still like the image I have of people leaning towards windmills and falling flat on their face as a metaphor for definitely having lost the plot. The only difference now is that they don't angrily and in defiance of the existence of windmills.

#learningisfun #englishlanguage #tiltingatwindmills #childlogic

Last updated 2 years ago