It's encouraging to see both parties coming together to protect minors from the harms of the internet. #InternetSafety #ChildProtection #TheIlluminati #OnlineProtection #AgeGating
#internetsafety #childprotection #theilluminati #onlineprotection #agegating
13-Year-Old Rape Victim Forced to Give Birth Due to Mississippi’s Abortion Ban.
#MississippiAbortionBan #RapeVictim #ForcedBirth #13YearOld #ReproductiveRights #ChildProtection #Politics #News
#mississippiabortionban #RapeVictim #forcedbirth #13yearold #reproductiverights #childprotection #politics #news
If you need to lie in order to push your agenda, then your agenda probably sucks.
This creator is da bomb. The scary man he speaks about second is scary. I am failing so hard at not being online after midnight. I blame greenisnotnick.
#youtube #lgbtq #scary #childprotection
Artificial intelligence technologies are being applied by investigators that can identify and stop internet crimes against children (ICAC), according to a maker of AI tools for law enforcement, government agencies, and enterprises. #AITools
#childExploitation #sextortion #ICAC #childprotection #onlinesafety #aitools
Wisconsin Republicans now want to let children serve alcohol in restaurants. "This literally creates the perfect scenario for somebody to be groomed."
#WisconsinRepublicans #ChildrenServingAlcohol #RestaurantIndustry #GroomingConcerns #AlcoholRegulations #ChildProtection #Politics #News
#wisconsinrepublicans #childrenservingalcohol #restaurantindustry #groomingconcerns #alcoholregulations #childprotection #politics #news
Michigan governor signs ‘overdue’ laws that aim to end child marriage. Minimum age raised to 18 in state that allowed 16- and 17-year-olds to wed with written permission from parent or guardian
#MichiganGovernor #ChildMarriageLaws #EndChildMarriage #MinimumAge #ParentalPermission #ChildProtection #Politics #News
#michigangovernor #childmarriagelaws #endchildmarriage #minimumage #parentalpermission #childprotection #politics #news
Re @NancyFaeser @GreensEFA 🇬🇧 Pointless: 🇩🇪 Ministers of Interior are calling for blanket #DataRetention of your IP records.
This is surveillance PR based on a myth. 🇪🇺 needs security policy and #ChildProtection based on facts!
@GreensEFA @EU_Commission @eu2023es #EU2023ES
#dataretention #childprotection #EU2023ES
@NancyFaeser @GreensEFA 🇬🇧 Pointless: 🇩🇪 Ministers of Interior are calling for blanket #DataRetention of your IP records.
This is surveillance PR based on a myth. 🇪🇺 needs security policy and #ChildProtection based on facts!
@GreensEFA @EU_Commission @eu2023es #EU2023ES
#eu2023es #childprotection #dataretention
Re @NancyFaeser @OlafScholz @GreensEFA 🇬🇧 German #ChildProtection NGO prefers #QuickFreeze and #LoginTrap instead of general and indiscriminate #DataRetention.
@EU_Commission, #GoingDark and @eu2023es should finally recognize that! @GreensEFA
<div class="rsshub-quote">
D64: Anlasslose Vorratsdatenspeicherung und die #Chatkontrolle lehnt der @DKSB_Bund weiterhin ab. Vorstand Joachim Türk nennt heute in einem Fachgespräch im #Familienausschuss des Bundestags unsere #LoginFalle als eine Alternative.
#childprotection #QuickFreeze #LoginTrap #dataretention #goingdark #Chatkontrolle #Familienausschuss #LoginFalle
Re @NancyFaeser @GreensEFA 🇬🇧 Even the statistics of the German police make it clear: IP-#DataRetention does not help with #ChildProtection, as is claimed. @EU_Commission & #GoingDark – give up your plans and find real solutions!
DE: @GreensEFA
#dataretention #childprotection #goingdark
@NancyFaeser @GreensEFA 🇬🇧 Even the statistics of the German police make it clear: IP-#DataRetention does not help with #ChildProtection, as is claimed. @EU_Commission & #GoingDark – give up your plans and find real solutions!
DE: @GreensEFA
#goingdark #childprotection #dataretention
I strongly support the UK's efforts to increase age verification standards and hold executives accountable for protecting children online. #OnlineSafety #AgeVerification #ChildProtection #PersonalResponsibility #UKLeadership
#onlinesafety #ageverification #childprotection #personalresponsibility #ukleadership
#politics #children #childprotection #childpornography #instantmessaging #communication #law #spy #spying #espionage #NoAgendaBannedCamp
#politics #children #childprotection #childpornography #instantmessaging #communication #law #spy #spying #espionage #NoAgendaBannedCamp
These Michigan Republicans voted against child marriage ban
#Newsweek #MichiganChildMarriageBan #RepublicanVote #ChildProtection #HumanRights #GenderEquality #Politics #News
#newsweek #michiganchildmarriageban #republicanvote #childprotection #humanrights #genderequality #politics #news
3 More States Poised to Lift Time Constraints on Child Sex Abuse Lawsuits #ChildProtection #Michigan #RhodeIsland #Massachusetts #statuteoflimitations #lawsuits #statelegislature #politicaliq #news #politics
#childprotection #Michigan #rhodeisland #massachusetts #statuteoflimitations #lawsuits #statelegislature #politicaliq #News #politics
Ron DeSantis Signs Law Allowing Trans Kids to Be Taken From Their Families: The state can now kidnap kids in Florida.
#NewRepublic #RonDeSantisLaw #TransKidsRights #FamilySeparation #ChildProtection #FloridaLaw #Politics #News
#newrepublic #rondesantislaw #transkidsrights #familyseparation #childprotection #floridalaw #politics #news meeting with, Chair of the Committee on #HumanRights, #GenderEquality, Religious Affairs and Minorities -, to discuss #childprotection and #HumanTrafficking
#humanrights #GenderEquality #childprotection #humantrafficking
RT @MarysiaZapasnik: Children in #Ukraine have had their childhoods brutally disrupted.
Our @RESCUEorg teams continue to distribute childhood care packages in #Kharkiv, #Dnipro & #Mykolaiv.
5yr old Mykhailo was excited to receive his kit full of pencils, paints, books and toys.
#Ukraine #Kharkiv #Dnipro #Mykolaiv #childprotection
#Utah governor signs laws curbing social media use for minors!
#CCP had recognized & tried to address this problem before 2008.
(CCP for the public school kids is: Chinese Communist Party)
#childprotection #socialmediascourge #internetaddiction #ccp #Utah
Ignorant clinging to #DataRetention is a severe threat to European values! Politicians need to find real solutions e.g. for #ChildProtection – at #PrivacyCamp23 I presented alternatives that respect citizen's #RightToPrivacy: @GreensEFA #EU2023SE
#dataretention #childprotection #PrivacyCamp23 #RightToPrivacy #EU2023SE