Investing in children means investing in the future of humanity. - Nelson Mandela
#ChildrenAreTheFuture #InvestInKids #BrighterTomorrow #NelsonMandela #Mandela
#childrenarethefuture #investinkids #brightertomorrow #nelsonmandela #mandela
Climate change warning mixed with environmental art for #ShowYourStripes day.
"“Displaying the stripes on the White Cliffs of Dover and other landmarks will hopefully lead to more conversations about our warming world and inspire people to work together to tackle climate change...
... We need to listen to our children’s concerns about the future.” — @ed_hawkins
Agree. #ClimateChange #ClimateDiary #ChildrenAreTheFuture
#showyourstripes #climatechange #climatediary #childrenarethefuture
We must do better.
We clearly don’t care about our future.
#childrenarethefuture #savepubliceducation
#childrenarethefuture #savepubliceducation
We must do better.
We clearly don’t care about our future.
#childrenarethefuture #savepubliceducation
#SavePublicEducation #childrenarethefuture
Bei den seit zwei Monaten andauernden Protesten im Iran sind der Organisation Iran Human Rights (IHR) zufolge bisher 47 Kinder getötet worden.😡😭💔
#TurnTheWorldBlue #WorldChildrensDay #WorldChildrensDay2022 #childrenarethefuture #ForEveryChild
#mahsaamini #iranprotests #womanlifefreedom #humanrights #iran #freeiran #iranprotest #iranrevolution2022 #mahsaaminiمهسا_امینی #mahsa_amini
#mahsa_amini #mahsaaminiمهسا_امینی #IranRevolution2022 #iranprotest #FreeIran #iran #humanrights #WomanLifeFreedom #iranprotests #mahsaamini #ForEveryChild #childrenarethefuture #WorldChildrensDay2022 #worldchildrensday #TurnTheWorldBlue
Heute am 20. November ist Internationaler Tag der Kinderrechte...
"Die jetzt Kinder sind, werden ja einst
die Geschäfte unserer Welt übernehmen,
sofern dann noch etwas von ihr übrig ist.
Sie sind es, die über Krieg und Frieden bestimmen werden
und darüber, in was für einer Welt sie leben wollen."
(Astrid Lindgren)
Farbe bekennen für Kinderrechte
#TurnTheWorldBlue #WorldChildrensDay #WorldChildrensDay2022 #childrenarethefuture #ForEveryChild
#ForEveryChild #childrenarethefuture #WorldChildrensDay2022 #worldchildrensday #TurnTheWorldBlue
A friendly reminder
Am 20. November ist Internationaler Tag der Kinderrechte – der Tag, an dem 1989 die UN-Kinderrechtskonvention verabschiedet wurde. Sie sichert jedem Kind – unabhängig von Herkunft, Geschlecht, Religion oder sozialem Status – universelle Rechte zu.
Farbe bekennen für Kinderrechte
#TurnTheWorldBlue #WorldChildrensDay #WorldChildrensDay2022 #childrenarethefuture #ForEveryChild
#ForEveryChild #childrenarethefuture #WorldChildrensDay2022 #worldchildrensday #TurnTheWorldBlue
So why do I mention them so much in my communication about our life?
Because they are a wonderful reflection on how the world could be, and how we as a family are contributing to that new world. Those reflecting mirrors are the future, and therefore they must be seen. (3/3)
#Geefeconomie #Giveconomy #DifferentPerspective #NewWorld #ChildrenAreTheFuture
#childrenarethefuture #NewWorld #differentperspective #giveconomy #geefeconomie