Watching Big Boys Don’t Cry.
It’s a fucking hard watch.
#FosterFamily #childrenincarearestillchildren
Being a foster child is tough at the best of times, being a foster child at Christmas waiting for a call from birth family that doesn’t come is horrendously difficult.
#FosterFamily #childrenincarearestillchildren
10 years today since our #Additions joined our family. What a 10 years it’s been. Some of you have been with us since the beginning and shared our journey. The journey isn’t over yet, here’s to another 10 years.
#FosterFamily #Fostering #FosterCarer #ChildrenInCareAreStillChildren
#additions #FosterFamily #fostering #FosterCarer #childrenincarearestillchildren
My foster son has gone to London on a school trip. He’ll be away for three days. It took a lot of careful planning and love to get him able to go and to calm his anxieties but he’s gone happy and confident.
Every day he amazes me.
Really interesting article on ITV News about the rising costs for foster carers and the fact that allowances haven’t gone up for TEN YEARS.
It’s a disgrace. Foster carers need support.
Who cares for the carers?
#childrenincarearestillchildren #FosterCarer