All set up for book sales at the #Edinburgh Writers Forum July event in the Scottish Storytelling Centre on the Royal Mile. Camilla Grudova is a guest speaker this month, I loved her Children of Paradise, inspired partly by her experiences working in Edinburgh cinemas.
#EdinburghWritersForum #WritersForum #books #livres #ScottishStorytellingCentre #RoyalMile #Edimbourg #CamillaGrudova #ChildrenOfParadise #bookstodon
#bookstodon #childrenofparadise #camillagrudova #edimbourg #royalmile #scottishstorytellingcentre #livres #books #writersforum #edinburghwritersforum #edinburgh
78 years ago:
Children of Paradise (FR)
Original title: Les Enfants du Paradis
Nathalie falls for Baptiste Debureau, a mime. But his heart is set on Garance, who is also coveted by Frederick Lemaitre and the Count of Montray.
#ChildrenofParadise #PierreBrasseur #MarĂaCasares #Film
#childrenofparadise #pierrebrasseur #mariacasares #film