Stephanie McMillan has a children's book "Songbird Fly!" out now, in case you weren't aware.
It can be found here, for free as a pdf:
It seems kinda imperfect and could be improved (in depth critiques reserved for now), but its best point is probably it's liberatory-ness *ahem* and being quite unique in its wholesome valuation of the natural world, in ways most children's books are probably oblivious to even the concept of; and with strong anti-capitalist political beliefs and underpinnings. It does leave some possible abrupt questions at the end. It showcases some political organizing.
It rhymes, has characteristic engaging cartoons and bright colours.
If you're looking for English-language children's books that value nature this would probably be a good one if you can tolerate some questions. If you're looking for free anti-capitalist children's books this seems a great one.
#ChildrensLit #Value #InherentWorth #ChildrenAndNature #Organize #BookReview #ChildrensAntiCapitalism
#childrenslit #value #inherentworth #childrenandnature #organize #bookreview #childrensanticapitalism