@NaturalNews I blame parents. Too busy getting their nails done or watching football to find out what is being injecyed into their babies. #childsacrifice
#childsacrifice #kindesopfer #genz #letztegeneration
The modern form of #child #sacrifice practiced by #rightwing #fascistic #Republicans and the #carboncartel behind them:
Die moderne Form des #Kindesopfers durch die fossilen Parteipolitiker à la #cdu #csu #fdp #afd und die Industriekartelle hinter ihnen:
Opinion | The Carbon Cartel Has Forced Children to Fight for Their Lives in Court | Common Dreams
#childsacrifice #kindesopfer #genz #LetzteGeneration #child #sacrifice #rightwing #fascistic #republicans #carboncartel #kindesopfers #cdu #csu #fdp #afd
#CDC stands for “Child Death Cult” … nationwide #childsacrifice #ritual disguised as “immunization”
#CDC stands for “Child Death Cult” … nationwide #childsacrifice #ritual disguised as “immunization”
Roe decision brings us incredible #CLARITY on the #LUCIFERIANS running the #abortion #childsacrifice #cult
#cult #childsacrifice #abortion #luciferians #clarity
Full article now posted: Roe decision brings us incredible CLARITY on the LUCIFERIANS running the abortion child sacrifice cult
#abortion #demonic #luciferians #LGBT #childsacrifice #evil
#evil #childsacrifice #LGBT #luciferians #Demonic #abortion
Situation Update, June 27, 2022 - Roe decision brings us CLARITY on the #LUCIFERIANS running the #abortion #childsacrifice #cult
#cult #childsacrifice #abortion #luciferians