No modern day camps should exist! We must abolish the and end this practice once and for all! are our future! We need to protect them not try to force them to assimilate to our version of the future!

#childslave #torture #troubledteenindustry #christianfascist #children #moleg #missouri #sparetherod #childabuse

Last updated 2 years ago We are in the fight of our life trying to ! is an abusive facility or private youth prison re-education camp run by in . For decades we have been reaching out and haven't been heard until 3 or 4 years ago. Even then and the have supported the , , and masters there profiting off of the suffering of !

#shutdownagape #agapeboardingschool #troubledteenindustry #christianfascists #missouri #moleg #missourigop #pedophiles #rapists #humantraffickers #childslave #teens

Last updated 2 years ago